show episodes
Magic of She is a podcast for the revolutionary woman who yearns for a life, business & financial reality dominated by the miraculous. Join us on an odyssey through the uncharted wilderness of your emerald heart… the gifts of which are freedom, fulfillment, unbridled creativity, financial sovereignty, and untold opportunity. Hosted by Chandra Nicole; a living embodiment of fascination; moonlighting as mother, poet, bon vivant. At once thought-provoking and disarming. Can be found weaving fan ...
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The Mahabharata is this epic Indian work that encapsulates a great deal of Indian Mythology. It is a magnificent story that is constantly being rewritten and retold since its inception that was either in 3000 BC or 1500 BCE ‘Not Your Mother’s Mahabharata with SP Jayaraj’ is a podcast where I tell the story conversationally to my wife and to friends, most of whom have never heard of the tale, and so listeners familiar and unfamiliar with the story are treated to their entertainingly honest fi ...
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Zephyr Wildman offers words of inspiration to guide you through your Yoga Practice, Meditation or even your daily commute. In her own words, Zephyr blends Yogic philosophy, psychology and personal insight into the victories and struggles of daily life. Her informative introductions to the practice of Yoga provides you with more meaning, intention and focus. Stories and observations from time-to-time are a welcome bit of uplifting and encouraging motivation to continue to follow a path of bal ...
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show series
Satish decides that before continuing forward, we should venture back to explore the origin of the enigmatic lord Krishna. Drew Kellum Johnson joins us to discover the origin of the Yadavas. Starting off with two besties who have a falling out after wearing each other's clothes, followed by a king cursed with old age unless he can convince one of h…
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Today we were happy to have two guests with us! Mystery author Mindy Mejia and our other good friend, clay artist and yoga teacher Jenna Jo Bodling! Satish really wanted an extra lady at the podcast table to introduce everyone to Draupadi, the dark skinned beauty that every king, prince, warrior and teenage boy wants for themselves - How will the p…
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Today we welcome our dear friend Andy Blissenbach and tell him all about Bheem's killing, mating, and fathering of demons- It's a wild ride! Satish comes in making parallels between Andy and Bheema - He is particularly happy to introduce him to the powerhouse Pandava, Azure and Andy set each other off on the literal naming of characters in the epic…
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Today we welcome our new friend Lindsay Shimizu and tell her the infamous story of the house of lac - the story that creates the first great divide between the Kauravas and the Pandavas. References to game of thrones, modern politics, and other geekdoms galore as we laugh through an otherwise pretty horrific murder plot. 😬 Azure and Lindsay wonder …
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Words and their meanings have a wonderful way of painting an experience felt in the body, energy and mind. Certain words can spark a positive neurological effect empowering, motivating and even healing us. They tell a unique story within. This story we will tell is one of Loving Kindness. Using Buddhist slogans to be tender as the body, energy and …
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Compassion begins with the capacity to hold our own life wrapped in the arm of our loving heart. Our ability to self care is supported through the attention of our hurt and pain, the kinder words we speak to ourselves on a daily basis and how we physically get our needs met. When we care for ourselves in a tender way, compassion will naturally awak…
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The purpose of both Ashtanga and Kriya Yoga is to manage the unmanageability of being human, the obstructions, afflictions and the struggle of desire and karmic action we all go through. Either practice subdues the body and mind to attain the state beyond it, which is said to be serene, peaceful, joyous and always free! Ashtanga is the earliest att…
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Today we are excited to welcome our old friend Kari Kusek to the show. Kari and Azure are taken on a surprise trip back to some of the earliest Mahabharata stories that precede where we started on episode 1. We explore 3 (of the many) examples of queerness in Hindu Mythology. Also featuring the moon, some tree spirits, and suddenly having boobs. Wh…
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This practice invites you to abide in the heart. Using Kapalabhati & Antara Kumbhaka Pranayama that clears and purifies the energy channels to prepare for Surya and Chandra Bhedana, Sun and Moon piercing. Isolating our attention on the right and left nostril channels (Pingala & Ida Nadis) to connect to their unique qualities, then draw them togethe…
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Samadhi is the eighth and final step on the path of practicing Yoga, as defined by Patanjali’sYoga Sutras. It is the ultimate stage in the voyage of attaining the state of Yoga. In sanskrit, sam meaning “together” or “completely,” or “toward” and dhe, meaning “put.” Direct translations vary, ranging in absorption, total integration, bliss, liberati…
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In this mediation practice we will be seated in Virasana, so please use a brick or prop to sit with Sthira/Stablitiy and Sukham/Comfort. We will be preforming Bhramari Pranayama, Kapalabhati Kriya, Bahya Kumbhaka, Maha Mudra and Bandha which will evolve into point to point breathing with HUM SA Kriya. The preamble will give you more meaning and pur…
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Dhyana, meditation is the 7th limb of the 8 Limb Path of the Yoga Sutras. Meditation is a tool, to use the mind to go beyond the mind. It is the clarity of mind to abide in the timelessness of now, present in the here and now. An uninterrupted flow of consciousness toward that object. The goal of practice according to the Yoga Sutras is 1.2 Citta V…
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Aaron Bodling joins us to hear the story of Drupada as he is attacked by the Kuru clan. Drupada is a good king who has ruled by the wisdom he has gained from his guru, so he has no idea why a bunch of teenagers are leading an army against him. Aaron and Azure love the flashback and different version of Drupada's daughter/son Shikhandi. Satish is th…
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Dharana is the sixth of the Eight Limbs of Yoga as described by Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras. It refers to the concentration of the mind where it becomes one-pointed, a fixed attention on an object. It is a holding or binding your attention to the object with the intention of reducing the rajasic movement that feeds, agitating the senses and mind o…
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The fifth limb of Patanjali’s eightfold path of yoga, is Pratyahara. Pratyahara is an important bridge between the external focus of the previous limbs of yoga, such as asana (postures) and pranayama(breath exercises) to the more advanced practices of dharana(concentration) and dhyana (meditation). Pratyahara literally means withdrawing from the se…
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We welcome Shanan Custer to tell her the story of the exhibition. Drona wants to show off all he has taught his students, to bring unity to the Kuru clan and dazzle everyone with Arjuna's unparalleled skill. It doesn't go well. ☹️ Shannan expects the grudge match between Bheem and Duryhodana to be what ruins everything. Azure has specific questions…
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We are working our way through the 8 limbs of Yoga. These are suggested steps to practice Yoga to attain the state of Yoga, according to Patanjali who wrote the Yoga Sutras. The first limb is the Yamas, 5 ethical guidelines to have more intimate relationships with the world around you and others. The second limb is the Niyamas, 5 observances to hav…
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Asana is the third limb to the eight limb path of Yoga according to the Yoga Sutras. Asana is associated with ascetic austerities that are practiced to result in the state of mind being stilled and awakened. In Yoga Sutra 2.46 it states, to practice Asana you just need two things, Sthira – Steadiness and Sukham – Comfort. Patanjali’s purpose of asa…
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For this episode we continue our adventure with Nick Mroczek by introducing him to Ekalavya, the forest kid with archery skills that inexplicably are better than Arjuna's. He claims Drona taught him, but what is the real truth? Nick is skeptical of Ekalavya's methods, and Azure is disgusted with Drona's actions to keep his promise to Arjuna. What d…
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5th Niyama is Isvara Pranidhana complete surrender to the God head of your understanding. To have complete faith in the guiding and protective power of absolute reality behind all life and manifestation. Whatever is omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent. Yoga is not a religion, however a ‘Spiritual’ practice. The teachings suggests we surrender ou…
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For this episode we welcome Nick Mroczek and introduce him to the pivotal character, Drona. We also meet Kripa and Kripi. ALL of whom were born without mothers! Bizarre right?!?! Nick 'enjoys' all the splurging. Azure loves the name 'Bucket.' What do you think of Drona so far? Let us know in the comments section of the episode page. https://spjayar…
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This practice we will focus on the 4th Niyama, Svadhyaya: Self-study, self- inquiry, it is to observe the self, understand it and self-reflect on it. It is the study by and of oneself, along side of the study of spiritual scripture and teachings. Reading, listening and reciting mantras. Through repetition we learn, deepening the knowledge and openi…
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This practice is focusing on the 3rd Niyama; Tapas – Yogic Austerity. Tapas means heat of positive change. This is said to be the earliest term for the ‘austerity of Yoga’ and the endeavours of the practitioners. Tap means to burn or glow, it includes the element of fire (Agni) that is also said to be the essential element to create life, to heal, …
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Last session we worked with Sauca which ‘cleans’ the physical, energetic and mental bodies in practice and shines a brighter clearer light to a deeper tranquil state of being. All of this is the pursuit to the state of Yoga. In this session we are working on the second Niyama, Santosa, which points you to have a more intimate and honest relationshi…
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For this episode we welcome Mike Hallenbeck and tell him the origin story of Karna, one of the Mahabharata's leading characters. We first visit Karna in a previous incarnation and decide he was wearing a magical 'croissant' armor when fighting Nara and Narayana. We explore the caste system of the Mahabharat through Karna's inability to find a teach…
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Niyamas are the basis for a healthy relationship with ourselves. In yoga, we place ourselves in a relationship to something, focusing our mind and body to the art of ‘purification’ through Yoga practice in order to produce a positive effect the pursuit of the state of Yoga. The Hatha Yoga Pradipika text warns the student, “Graha Niyama” to not take…
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Aparigraha is Sanskrit for non-clinging, not-coveting or desiring after outward possessions. It is the concept of non-possessiveness, non-greediness and non-attachment. The opposite is Parigraha, which means “the focus on material gain.” So Aparigraha in Sanskrit breaks downs as – A means “non or against”; pari, means “on all sides”; and graha, mea…
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For this episode we welcome childrens book author Peter Pearson and tell him of the Pandavas meeting the Kauravas, and the beginning of the deadly rivalry between Duryodhana and Bheema. We once again dive into the theories of celibacy and brain power, and question why the wives fight for who gets to join Pandu on the funeral pyre. Satish tells the …
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Brahmacharya literally means ‘walking’ or having ethical conduct like God. Brahma means one’s own Self, ultimate unchanging reality, absolute consciousness, Divinity. Whatever is the God of your understanding. Charya – means walking, engaging, proceeding, behaving, conducting, moving or going after. So it roughly means “to stay true to one’s Self o…
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We are working with understanding more about Satya – Truthfulness, the second Yama. This is the ability to be truthful, honest and transparent in words, thoughts and actions. Satya is a self-restraint in taking responsibility and accountability of our humanity and determining what is motivating how and what we communicate. Sometimes what is motivat…
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For this episode we welcome writer Evan Kingston and tell him the origin of the Pandavas and the Kauravas. Satish tells the story of his favorite half-celibate, half-sex-crazy couple, Evan is not into buying Vayu's impressiveness because of his own biases against wind, and Azure is proud of Madri's divine threesome. Which god or goddess would you l…
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Yamas are the essential moral principles to practice Yoga. In our western world, we might call these restraints or rules. Asteya is Non-Stealing. It is the third ethical restraint. Steya means unlawfully taking things that you are not entitled to or that don’t belong to you. Asteya is abstaining from stealing. This refers to possessions, money, mat…
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Yoga is skill in action with loving awareness that awakens our embodiment to an intention set in every practice. An Intention is an aspiration or energy that draws us to love, truth and creativity. What matters to you most? An intention whether it is a New Years intention or a daily intention you set as a commitment to your care in every gesture, g…
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Kate Shuknecht joins us to hear the tragic fate of Vichitravirya, and how Satyavati and Bheeshma argue on how to continue the bloodline. They discover a solution in Satyavati's secret son. Kate is sympathetic to kings and their responsibilities, and Azure, Kate, and Satish wishes Vyasa could have done something to mask his odor before sexy-time. Sa…
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This practice is inspired by the first Yama, Ahimsa, Non-Violence. Over the past few sessions we have focused on clearing the Malas to know, see and act in this world knowing the truth of who and what we are, that there is impermanence to all life and finally being responsible for what is motivating us (Kleshas) which causes suffering. To live is t…
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For this episode we welcome Aaron Fiskrataz and tell him the story of Bheeshma sticking to his vow, even if it means the end of the world. We hear how the powerless princess Amba is as relentless in taking matters into her own hands and is prepared to spend 2 lifetimes to get her revenge. Aaron is not surprised by Bheeshma's 'stick-to-itness.' and …
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For this episode we welcome musician Rhiannon Fiskradatz and tell her the story of the tortured King Shantanu who only manages to catch a single break because of his devoted demigod son. Rhiannon needs moments of silence after Ganga seemingly murders her own children, and yells in defense of Bheeshma keeping his heritage. How surprised were you to …
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Welcome to the first season of Not Your Mother's Mahabharata! Each episode you will hear Satish P. Jayaraj casually tell stories from the epic Indian work, The Mahabharata to his wife Azure Anderson and a special guest. You, dear listener, are treated to their entertainingly honest first reactions. The conversational approach allows variations of t…
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Have you ever felt like a square peg in the round hole of traditional finance or new age money manifestation? I certainly have, and it set me on a quest for something deeper, something more. In ths episode I'm thrilled to share my personal odyssey with you, one where the conventional pathways to wealth creation are left behind, and the doors to a "…
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In this first episode Satish and Azure welcome Mindy Mejia. While Satish tells the origin story of Vyasa, the author of the Mahabharata, Mindy and Azure can't help to draw connections to Seinfeld and Twilight. Satish recalls his grandfather telling him the story of how the epic was first written down by Ganesha, and Mindy is fascinated with how Vya…
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This episode was inspired by a conversation I had with a woman about to embark on her entrepreneurial voyage, her eyes shimmered with a blend of excitement and fear—a mirror to my own when I first stepped into the business arena. Together, we delve into the sometimes painful, yet invaluable lessons learned from failure. Nearly 25 years upon the ody…
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Have you ever felt the magnetic pull of a conversation that just flows, unscripted and full of life? That's the essence of authentic communication, the very heart I explore in this episode. Showing up as your whole self, imperfections and all, can create connections and open doors that a perfectly polished facade never could. In this episode, we ta…
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Have you ever felt ensnared by your own thoughts, endlessly turning them over without any sign of progress? Break free from the mental maze and awaken your inner alchemist as we journey through the pivotal role of action in transcending overthinking. In the alchemy of thought through motion, we unveil the magic that lies dormant within you, ready t…
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Magic of She is a podcast & newsletter for the revolutionary woman who yearns for a life, business, and financial reality dominated by the miraculous. Learn more, subscribe & apply for mentoring at Hosted by Chandra Nicole -- A living embodiment of fascination; moonlighting as mother, poet, bon vivant. At once thought-provoking and d…
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“The simple act of kindness is by far more powerful than a thousand heads bowing in prayer” Mahatma Gandhi I was inspired to teach about Maitri as a reaction to current events and the layers of what humanity face all over the world. Maitri’s Bhavana is to cultivate, produce, develop the feeling is one of friendliness, benevolence, affection, kindne…
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