show episodes
Welcome to Having It A.L.L., the podcast that flips the script on what it means to “have it all” in life. I’m Matthew Bivens, your host and friend, and I’m inviting you to join me in conversations designed to help you radically shift your confidence, self worth, and clarity. In order to create new results in your life - whether that’s in your relationships, your health, your money, your family or your life’s purpose - you must make new decisions and build new habits. This podcast will not on ...
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show series
Love and Fear. It's what all decisions in our lives can be boiled down to. Fear can be one heck of a beast! We all know because we all can recall times when we let fear overpower our ability to make clear decisions. I lived much of my life in fear and can vividly remember making choices from a place a fear since early on. And I also remember the fe…
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How do you define "wellbeing"? How about breaking down the word into it's two parts -- WELL and BEING -- what do those words mean to you? My guest in today's conversation is clear on what those words mean to her, and is on a mission to spread her message of whole wellbeing. Dr. Michelle Robin is a chiropractor by trade, but has expanded herself int…
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You have been lied to about success. Like most of us, we've been told that success is determined by factors "out there". Achievements, accolades, possessions, titles, certifications, promotions - you know the deal. But you've also been told that success is simply a mindset. You are successful if you feel successful. But I'm introducing a new concep…
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What would your life look like if you were fully engaged? If you were living your life to the max? If you were experiencing a "guttural brushfire"? That’s the question that my guest today has been meditating on. Sandy Chambers is very close persona friend of mine and one of the most consciously mature people I know. She devours books, videos, podca…
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Have you experienced true discontent in your life? That’s totally a rhetorical question because if you’re alive then that means you’ve been in situations that you haven’t liked. The real question is, how did you handle those situations? My guest in today’s conversation is Dianne Crampton, and she would guess that you did one of three things: blamed…
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Paul Colaianni has not always led an authentic life. Experiences as a child taught him that authenticity and self expression were detrimental to his health and the health of those around him, so he bottled them up. The result was a life rife with unsteady relationships, frustration, and disillusionment. It wasn’t until facing the end of another rel…
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What does it mean to “lead from center”? It's a question that many high achievers ask themselves (or are asked of themselves), and it's a question that my guest today is going to help us answer. To Amy Balog, leading from center means being so in-tune with yourself -- knowing who you are, and what makes you tick -- that you're able to create amazin…
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Colleen Patrick Goudreau lives a life of compassion. She has compassion for animals, which influenced her to choose a vegan lifestyle (on which she is a leading authority). She has compassion for other people, which influenced the message she spreads to the world. And she has compassion for herself, which, through intentional practice, has allowed …
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Here we are, my friend. The final episode of Having It A.L.L.! It has been an awesome 8 years, and in today’s episode I’m going to share my thoughts, memories and takeaways with you all. Let’s do this! RESOURCES FROM THIS EPISODE Get in touch with Matthew: Learn about the YourDay Balance Game coaching programs: https://the…
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What is emotional regulation and what part does it play in having it all? In today’s episode I’m diving deep into the world of emotional regulation and emotional intelligence because these two concepts (and their related parts) are critical components of living a self fulfilled life. Without a healthy level of emotional intelligence, it’s extremely…
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Can every relationship be improved? And if so, how would you actually do it?? Today I'm sharing with you an incredibly effective way to improve any relationship in your life, from a marriage to a friendship to your relationship with your boss or neighbor. This episode pulls from my own personal life and the relationship experiences that I have crea…
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Which of life’s circumstances do you feel a victim to? There was a time in my guest's life when his answer to this question might have been very lengthy. In today’s episode I’m bringing you a conversation I had with my friend, Brian Thomas. Brian is an author, husband, father, and a man who is boldly choosing to have it all in his life. When Brian …
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What does it really mean to treat your partner like a King or Queen? As Sarah and I have grown in our marriage, the concept of treating one another as a King and Queen has grown as well. At first the idea brought up our own issues with self worth, love and relationship roles. But today, we both powerfully fill our roles of King and Queen respective…
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Do you believe that balance is possible for you? So many people seek out balance, yet they fall short again and again. It’s been my experience as a BALANCE Lifestyle Coach, that the biggest reason why people fail at balance isn’t because of their lack of effort or plan, it’s because of their perspective on balance in the first place. In today’s epi…
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What do you do when your life feels out of control? Whether it’s a single area of your life, or everywhere all at once, when things feel out of control it can be debilitating. I’ve been there and I know the feeling of helplessness and frustration that comes as a result. However, you don’t have to stay there! There are simple things that you can do …
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What morning habits do all great leaders and people who are doing BIG things in life have in common? (And no, it’s not meditation or cold showers!) They all start their day off by building proactive momentum. Not sure what that means? No worries! In today’s episode I’m explaining the concept of proactive momentum and I’m helping you break the habit…
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Do you know why affirmations, self help and success books and “positive talk” just don't work for many people? It has nothing to do with those things being ineffective, and everything to do with the emotional state a person is in when they attempt to connect with those things. In today’s episode I’m breaking down exactly how this all works and help…
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What does living a balanced life mean to you? Similarly, how do you define health and fitness? And how do your perceptions of these concepts impact your overall wellbeing? In this episode I'm talking about how you can view the idea of "balance" in a way that doesn't leave you feeling defeated and frustrated. I'm here to present to you an idea of ho…
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What shame are you hiding? Fellas, this episode is for you. As a man, I've carried with me different types of shame through my life that have had a big impact on how I see the world and operate in it. I learned early on that burying my shame and pretending it wasn't there was the safest way for me to operate. The truth is, it's not. And for me, it …
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What does it take to create an episode of the Having It A.L.L. podcast? If you’ve ever asked yourself that question then you’ll love today’s episode! I was recently asked by a friend, “How do you continue coming up with ideas for your podcast after 8 years and 500 episodes?”. It was a great question and one that got me thinking about sharing with y…
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What does your calendar say about your priorities? Whether you use an online calendar, a paper calendar, or simply store all of your appointments and todos in your head (which is impressive!), you have some sort of way of divvying out your most precious resource -- your time! Where you invest your time says A LOT about what you prioritize! A common…
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How comfortable are you saying "no" in your life? So many of us struggle with saying no when people make requests of our time, space, energy, money, or love. We want to please. We want others to like us. We don't want to be seen as unhelpful or unavailable. In today's episode I talk about the challenge of saying "no", and give you very concrete and…
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How do you relate to feedback? Feedback scares the heck out of most people, but if you run from it then you're handcuffing your potential. I was one of those people for a very long time. I did everything I could to NOT receive feedback, and when I did I usually took it very personally and sat in a funk for a few days afterwards. Today, however, I u…
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Are you feeling stuck in life? We all feel stuck at some point in life. How long we stay feeling stuck depends on a few factors. Today's day 7 of the awareness suite, and in this conversation we are applying the lessons from the last 6 days so you can finally get unstuck! DOWNLOAD THE FREE "TRUST ACCOUNT" APP FROM THE YOURDAY BALANCE GAME Android: …
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How much of your time each day is spent with the people, places, and activities that you say matter most to you? Today's day 6 of the awareness suite, and in this conversation we are taking a look at exactly where you invest your most precious resource: your time. DOWNLOAD THE FREE "TRUST ACCOUNT" APP FROM THE YOURDAY BALANCE GAME Android: https://…
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How aware are you of the impact that your environment is having on you? From where you spend most of your time, to who you spend most of your time with, your environments shape your health, your attitudes, and your behavior. Today is day 5 of the Awareness suite, and in this episode we’re taking a look at the environments where you invest your time…
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Do you have clear personal standards in your life? If so, what are they?? Most people understand the concept of a personal standard, but in practice have vague personal standards (at best). Yet, if you knew the impact that not having or holding personal standards was having across all areas of your life, I bet you’d get to work creating some! Today…
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What emotions did you experience today and what insights into yourself did you glean from those emotions? Most people go through their day feeling any combination of the spectrum of emotions, completely unaware that those emotions are giving insight into what’s going on in their inner world. Today is day 3 of the Awareness suite, and in today’s epi…
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Are most of your thoughts in a day empowering thoughts or disempowering thoughts? Turns out, the VAST majority of most people’s daily thoughts are disempowering. If every thought is a seed that’s being planted into your psyche, then what kinds of fruit are you growing in your life? Today is day 2 of the Awareness suite, and in today’s episode I div…
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What communications is your body giving you right this very moment? Today’s episode kicks off a suite that we’re doing all on the topic of Awareness. When you’re seeking change in your life, no matter what area you want to shift, AWARENESS is step #1! If you are unaware of the thoughts, beliefs, words and habits that are keeping you stuck, then you…
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Have you ever felt like life moves in a never-ending cycle of ups and downs, advances and setbacks, victories and defeats? The Law of Rhythm teaches us that "Everything Flows, Out and In", "All Things Rise and Fall", and "The Pendulum Swing Manifests in Everything". From the waves of the ocean to the rise and fall of empires, this law governs the r…
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What do you feel are the biggest benefits to exercising? Whether or not you’re currently exercising at the level you feel you should, you probably have some thoughts about why exercise is important and what the benefits are. For years my perspective on exercise was one that most of us have: it’s important to keep you healthy and keep your body stro…
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Are you feeling like your relationships are stuck in a rut? Or are you simply wanting to see and feel your relationships improving? In today’s episode I unveil a simple yet powerful method that has transformed my connections with others. It's not a quick fix or a manipulation tactic, but rather a genuine approach to fostering trust, intimacy, and u…
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Are you doing what you love in life? Many times a question like this makes us think about turning our passions into a career. Pro athletes come to mind, the men and women who have taken a love for a childhood game and turned it into a lucrative career. But that’s not the only way to do what you love and live a life with passion. You can 100% live w…
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What crossroads moments has your life contained, and what lessons did you learn? In 2013 I faced a major crossroad moment. The job path that I had chosen was making me miserable, and each day that I stuck on it I felt more frustrated, more helpless and more like a victim. I had experienced many crossroads moments in my life up to that point, and in…
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Have you ever wondered how to become immune to rejection? Rejections happen to all of us in life. It’s unavoidable. Yet, not everyone is impacted the same way by rejections. Some people are crushed, while others use the rejection to grow. Which are you? Today's episode dives deep into understanding why rejection impacts us and provides actionable s…
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Wondering why your efforts for improvement often fall short? If you've faced discouragement, tried various programs/plans/systems, or found yourself in the cycle of starting and stopping, this conversation is tailored for you. In today’s episode, we uncover a colossal mistake that could be sabotaging your progress when you’re seeking change and imp…
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Have you ever looked back on an experience in your life and thought, "Yeah, I don't want to go through that again!". 2023 held many of those moments for me. Truth be told, there was a lot that I struggled with in 2023 that had me feeling overwhelmed, stressed and maxed out. But I didn't tell anyone, and so I struggled in silence. In today's episode…
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What is a simple yet effective tool that can help you create the best year of your life? Answer: a Word For The Year! Each year on the Having It A.L.L. podcast, I guide you to creating a Word For The Year. And it's that time once again! New Year's Resolutions focus on the DOING, while Word For The Year focuses on the BEING. And that's where your be…
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Do you find yourself being overly self-critical when someone else's advice just doesn't work for you? I've read, listened to and watched thousands of pieces of self help content over the years, and for a long time I thought that there was something wrong with me when I failed to incorporate someone else's advice into my life. I would blame a lack o…
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Have you started planning your goals and resolutions for the new year? Whether you have your goals already, or haven't even started, there's one thing you want to make sure you do before you write your goals in stone, and that's take a deep look at how you showed up this past year. In today's episode I'm walking you through a self assessment proces…
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What are 3 skills that you could develop and hone that would dramatically change your life? This has been an amazing year in the coaching work that I do, namely because the amazing clients I work with have created some incredible results for themselves. As I look at what they've overcome and accomplished, 3 distinct skills/traits stand out that the…
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Are you aware that beliefs are not permanent? It's true. You believe things today that you didn't believe when you were younger. In fact it's healthy to challenge your beliefs, release the ones that no longer serve you, and adopt new, more empowering beliefs that align with who it is you desire to become. In today's episode I'm sharing with you 4 s…
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How do you handle tough times in life? As a coach for man years I have seen a pattern in people when it comes to how they handle adversity and tough circumstances in life: they are either REACTIVE or PROACTIVE. In today's episode I'm sharing the concept of the "magic muscle" and revealing how you can learn this crucial skill so that you can overcom…
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How strong is your self-worth? Put a different way: do you believe in your own value and worthiness? Low self-worth is at the heart of many challenges that people struggle with. From difficulties with relationships, procrastination and avoidance, a lack of confidence.....all of these things have low self-worth as the common thread. So what do you d…
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Have you ever felt the loneliness that comes with personal growth and transformation? As you shed your old life and embrace the new, it's natural to experience strong feelings of loneliness. How you handle those lonely periods can be the difference between growing and achieving your goals, or continuing to struggle. In today's episode I share six e…
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How do you bounce back when your world gets rocked? When everything seems to be going wrong in your life? When your dreams are shattered? Disappointment is interesting. It can be focused internally on ourselves, or externally on others. But no matter where the focus is, the root of it is some sort of attachment and typically judgement. When you get…
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Have you ever wondered about the source of your self worth and personal value? Whatever you deem as the source of your self-worth is going to directly influence your behaviors and habits. If you make your net-worth as the source of your self-worth, then your money will become your focus. Many people do this, and when their money goes up so does the…
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What are the myths and stereotypes around masculinity that you’re holding onto? Over the years I've picked up all sorts of ideas around what it means to be a man, and many of those ideas reinforce dated and unhealthy stereotypes. In today's episode I share my biggest stereotypes around masculinity, the things that trigger thoughts of comparison and…
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Do you have little faith in your ability to achieve your big goals? I used to feel pretty low on myself as it related to setting goals and achieving them. Didn't matter if it was a work goal, fitness goal, money goal or just a life goal -- a part of me seemed to always believe that no matter how much I wanted it, I just wouldn't achieve it The prob…
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