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If you are heading home after a long day of work, school or errands how about a pick me up? Five Minute Mojo transforms your ride home into a time of reflection. Thom Walters guides you through thinking about positive ways to evaluate and change your life for the better. He will ask you questions you have never heard before. Dragging yourself home at the end of the day is now a thing of the past. It's time to change our life. It's time for Five Minute Mojo.
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show series
We all have a “default” way of showing up for the world and the people around us. But we also know that many things can impact us in ways that throw our usual demeanor into something else. We can become quiet, worried, anxious; any variety of things. But do you when the “other you” is more prevalent? Having some signs can add to our level of calm. …
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All our minds at some point have gotten stuck on a thought and just kept repeating it. Many times those thoughts are worries, and they just amp up our stress. Today, I read a great article that dives deep into rumination and how to stop it. Links from the Episode: Learn how to ease the pain of anxiety with meditation - Schedule time with Thom (Free…
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The simple things we do each day don’t require much mental energy, and so, when we are doing them, we send our minds on to other things; mostly worry. We send them anywhere but where we are, this moment. Guess what happens then? You know. So how about giving our attention to the easy tasks, and in doing so, become calmer, mindful. Let’s talk about …
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Much of the world is on auto-pilot; just reacting to whatever shows up in the day. They don’t plan or contemplate, they just impulsively act on whatever feeling they have at the moment. There is another way, and it isn’t specifically about mapping out every part of your life. It’s as simple as setting intentions each day. Let’s talk about it. Links…
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You guessed it; I’m going to throw a little shade on society today…one thought in particular. It has to do with busyness. Specifically the misperception that the fuller your schedule is, the more value you have. I hate to say it (I really don’t), but that is a huge misbelief that is sapping your calm. Let’s talk about it. Links from the Episode: Le…
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I have talked about the people that may sap our level of calm, but there are many other things that can derail our peace as well. And it will be in our best interest to see what and where those things are; so we can find more serene alternatives. Let's talk about some of them today. Links from the Episode: Learn how to ease the pain of anxiety with…
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Some idioms or phrases have been around for decades for a good reason; as trite as they may sound, they are accurate. They resonate with us. The very title of this episode was a suggestion by my guide Bart…in those very words. I stopped and laughed when he first mentioned it…” You’re telling me to literally stop and smell the flowers?”…and the answ…
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What would you do if, by some means, every time you said a word it would be the equivalent of 5 minutes exposed to radiation. Yeah, I know that is a weird scenario, but hear me out. You wouldn’t use that word right? Well, it may not be radiation, but some words do have the ability to cause stress, anxiety and even sickness. Let’s talk about it. Lin…
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I know from personal experience, that sometimes when i am feeling anger it is because I am frustrated or displeased with something I have done. To that point, as I will talk about today, we will become calmer when we find out the real reason we are out of sorts, and stop projecting our ire onto other people or other things. Links from the Episode: …
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The word “Home” conjures up many images and feelings. But today I talk about our original home; connected to light, existing solely in Love. Links from the Episode: Learn how to ease the pain of anxiety with meditation - Schedule time with Thom (Free Consultation) Become a super-fan of ZEN commuter and Calmer in 5 and receive bonuses exclusively fo…
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One of the benefits of being a meditator is spontaneously falling into moments of connection with the world around you. Such a moment happened to me when I was in Boston at the symphony. Today I talk about how the connection I experienced can be cultivated by anyone. And in the process, you not only become calmer, but infinitely more aware of love.…
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For me, I do equate silence with calm. But I do know that not everyone is the same. The important thing is to be thoughtful in choosing whichever suits you best. In order to experience calm, we have to be intentional in our decisions, and that includes welcoming silence or not. Let's talk about it. Meditation Coaching Schedule Time with Thom (Compl…
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I'm not a huge sports guy, but when I was younger, trying to figure out if I was, I heard many a coach say.."get your head in the game" (not just to me). Basically, it was a sterner directive to "be here now". Today, why don't we take that advice. Be in this moment and watch the world become visible. Meditation Coaching Schedule Time with Thom (Com…
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There are times when we find ourselves face to face with a person who may not know handle to manage their stress. Today I talk about how to avoid borrowing someone else's stress Meditation Coaching Schedule Time with Thom (Complimentary consultation) Connect with Thom Linked In - Patreon - https://w…
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We treat others with far more compassion than we treat ourselves; but in the ned it will do some nasty things for our calm if we can't find an inner Love. Let's talk about it. Meditation Coaching Schedule Time with Thom (Complimentary consultation) Connect with Thom Linked In - Patreon - https://www…
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There is one thing we can all agree on; we have all had at least one job we didn't like. Work is a huge casue of stress. So why are you still there? Meditation Coaching Schedule Time with Thom (Complimentary consultation) Connect with Thom Linked In - Patreon - In…
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We all have had our share of cruddy days. But do we have to let them sit with us the entire day?There is nothing magic about 24 hours. You can decide to change. We can tackle that one together. Come listen. Meditation Coaching Schedule Time with Thom (Complimentary consultation) Connect with Thom Linked In -…
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Studies tell us that being out in nature helps us calm down, even heal faster. But we all knew that. But what about the individual elements of nature? Well, what about the wind? It can add to our level of calm if we observe in a variety of ways. Come listen. Meditation Coaching Schedule Time with Thom (Complimentary consultation) Connect with Thom …
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I’ve said it before, and I’m sure I’ll say it again at some point in the future. The beauty of the world is invisible to us when our thoughts are so focused on the future, whether that’s worry or not. That goes for the past as well. When We slow down and bring ourselves to this moment we see the gifts that abound. Meditation Coaching Schedule Time …
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As grandiose as it may seem, each day I try and make the world more peaceful. Most days I’m successful. But life is always changing. Today I talk about how we all can create peace for ourselves and the world. And it can even happen with someone we disagree with. Come Listen. Meditation Coaching Schedule Time with Thom (Complimentary consultation) C…
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We all grow up with certain beliefs, and as we get older we see if those thoughts still have resonance for us. Today I talk about the themes that have existed throughout your life. To the point of calm, are they themes that create peace or challenges. Let’s talk about it. Meditation Coaching Schedule Time with Thom (Complimentary consultation) Conn…
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The episode title might strike people with an overwhelming sense of incredulousness. How could anyone think that? Well, hopefully you can...sometimes. Let's talk about it. Meditation Coaching Schedule Time with Thom (Complimentary consultation) Connect with Thom Linked In - Patreon - https://www.pat…
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Today on Calmer in Five: Today I share some wisdom with you that comes from my Mom. In only 21 words, she created an affirmation that can shift the entire way you see yourself in the world. Tall order for sure, but once you embrace these words as your own, the more you begin to realize your potential Meditation Coaching Schedule Time with Thom (Com…
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Today on Calmer in Five: You would think that even from a strictly rational standpoint that not accepting what is happening in the moment is simply an abject waste of time. But even my younger self had challenges accepting things as they are. But today, I have an article and my own thoughts about how to become better at accepting things as they are…
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Today on Calmer in Five: In a world with over 8 billion people you would think that many people would yearn to spend some time alone. However, studies show that the majority of people see alone times as something to be avoided. Today I read a great article from PsychToday that helps us understand the benefit of spending time alone to increase our l…
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Today on Calmer in Five: Happy Earth Day! It is a beautiful planet, and what a wonderful way to honor it but by celebrating Earth Day. Today I talk about the link between calm and caring for the planet. Come listen. Meditation Coaching Schedule Time with Thom (Complimentary consultation) Connect with Thom Linked In -…
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Today on Calmer in Five: One of the bigger lessons I learned growing up was to be around people who appreciate you and what you are passionate about. There’s no need to share your voice with people who don’t appreciate it. Today, I talk about the ways you can share your voice, literally and in other ways. Meditation Coaching Schedule Time with Thom…
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Today on Calmer in Five: Anxiety effects roughly 39 percent of all adults in the United States. While meditation is an excellent way to relieve anxiety, there is a simpler mindfulness practice that helps as well; and it only takes a few minutes. Let’s talk about the 3-3-3 rule. Meditation Coaching Schedule Time with Thom (Complimentary consultation…
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Today on Calmer in Five: Most of us know that the things we do stem from subconscious thoughts. Many of our motivations are not conscious. That definitely has to do with our perception of ourselves. As I will talk about today, if we don’t have the highest regard for who we are, then the things we do will reflect that in our actions. Meditation Coac…
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Today on Calmer in Five: Most of our lives we concern ourselves with being happy. We do the things that makes us joyful and we celebrate our accomplishments. Sometimes doing that for someone else allows us the ability to be happy and calm Meditation Coaching Schedule Time with Thom (Complimentary consultation) Connect with Thom Linked In - https://…
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Today on Calmer in Five: In all of our lives there are simple little things that warm our hearts or bring a smile to our faces. Today I talk about discovering those things within you. Meditation Coaching Schedule Time with Thom (Complimentary consultation) Connect with Thom Linked In - Patreon - htt…
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Today on Calmer in Five: Death is often an uncomfortable topic to discuss for many people. However, depending on our perspective, it can help us become calmer and more alive than ever before. Come listen. Meditation Coaching Schedule Time with Thom (Complimentary consultation) Connect with Thom Linked In -…
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Today on Calmer in Five: I have no trouble saying that even as a meditator I am not a fan of the Winter. I know I am supposed to be okay with what is, but the cold and the absense of light brings me down a bit. But now it's Springtime...And I have a whole new outlook on things. What about you? Meditation Coaching Schedule Time with Thom (Compliment…
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Today on Calmer in Five: So much of what we do is to please the people around us; bosses, relationships, even society. This desire to please causes huge amounts of stress, because we never feel we can simply be who we are; we need to validate our existence to ourselves and in the eyes of others. Today I talk about another way of living and thinking…
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Today on Calmer in Five: It's in written into our DNA to want to be safe, to exist. It's why we have a fight or flight response. However, through the multitude of years, it has become unclear when we are in danger, when we are unsafe. Our minds create perceived danger when none really exists. Today I talk about how to live a calmer life by redefini…
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Today on Calmer in Five: One of the easiest ways to become calmer is to learn how to simply allow things to be as they are, including you. Stress levels become high and stay high every time we have thoughts about things being different then how they are. Most times when we feel unsettled or discontent, it's because we are comparing ourselves to the…
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Today on Calmer in Five: The words we speak even casually have tremendous power. Today I talk about how to be more conscious with our words and our thoughts. Meditation Coaching Schedule Time with Thom (Complimentary consultation) Connect with Thom Linked In - Patreon -…
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Today on Calmer in Five: There is an exercise that I practice every now and then to help me become kinder to my self. It might just help you do the same thing; love yourself more completely. Let's talk about it. Meditation Coaching Schedule Time with Thom (Complimentary consultation) Connect with Thom Linked In -…
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Regardless of who we are, we all want to feel as if we are moving toward something. And maybe it isn’t specifically toward something, but just that we are not standing still; in a rut. When we do feel stagnant that can lead to uneasiness. Today I talk about a way to avoid that and increase your level of calm Become a super-fan of ZEN commuter and 5…
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Today on Calmer in Five: A few weeks ago I told you of a word, that when uttered, restores our thinking to a more quiescent state. It is a powerful word. But as I recently found out, there is another word that goes along with it that emphasizes its power. Come listen. Meditation Coaching Schedule Time with Thom (Complimentary consultation) Connect …
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Today on Calmer in Five: The word "home" evokes images and feelings of warmth and safety. Today I discuss the concept of home as not solely being a place, but a that we can take anywhere and find a quiet calm. Meditation Coaching Schedule Time with Thom (Complimentary consultation) Connect with Thom Linked In -…
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I think it is safe to say that any time we’re afraid, we are not calm. So how about today I share with you three sources of fear that often go unnoticed, and how to deal with them so they don’t upset your level of calm Become a super-fan of ZEN commuter and Calmer in 5 and receive bonuses exclusively for Patreon subscribers. THANKS FOR LISTENING! T…
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Today on Calmer in Five: Sometimes the things we see and use everyday become invisible to us; they become a given. Given or not, they have done us a tremendous service throughout our lives and they deserve recognition. Meditation Coaching Schedule Time with Thom (Complimentary consultation) Connect with Thom Linked In -…
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Today on Calmer in Five: When we look back on our lives, there is often a tendency to see it through rose-colored glasses. We regale in all the good times, turning a blind eye to the challenges we faced. Regardless of how we look back, we still run the risk of missing the moments right here…now. Today I share with you a story about how that happene…
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Today on Calmer in Five: We are told that life is about doing things big; enjoying the big things. But as you will learn today (or maybe relearn) there is such profundity and joy in noticing the smaller moments. There is great peace in understanding that there are no insignificant moments. Meditation Coaching Schedule Time with Thom (Complimentary …
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Today on Calmer in Five: Do consider yourself to be a belligerent person; ready to fight if someone invades “your” space. You are not alone. I have even had a moment or two like that; as you’ll hear. In my case, I found out something really important. Maybe in asking yourself that question you’ll have an epiphany too. Meditation Coaching Schedule T…
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Today on Calmer in Five: Our level of calm can be easily upset when something we value gets stolen, or broken; including our bodies and our health. Imagine how much more peaceful our lives would be if we understood that we, and all our things, are safe. Interesting concept. Let’s talk about it. Meditation Coaching Schedule Time with Thom (Complimen…
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Today on Calmer in Five: Each of us has different values and beliefs. We see the world in a unique way. But to that point, how do you see the world, what has meaning for you. If you haven't asked yourself that question, now might be the time, because your calm could be riding on it. Let's talk about it. Meditation Coaching Schedule Time with Thom (…
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Today on Calmer in Five: While I know it is not everyone, the majority of people listening to this episode have poured a glass of water, whether it is in the form of coffee or right from the tap. Did you think about the gift that it is? Or the fact that it is as abundant as it is? My guess is no. How about for today, we stop and say thank you? Medi…
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Today on Calmer in Five: I came across a commercial while at my Dad’s house the other day that was the perfect example of how advertising ads to our level of anxiety. In this episode, I will break down that ad to demonstrate the subtle ways that marketers propel us to feelings of unworthiness; how they tell us to avoid being still. Meditation Coach…
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