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What a friend we have in Jesus. If I close my eyes, I can hear the melody of this hymn in my head. And while the lyrics ring true, there are times that I have to remind myself that Jesus is indeed my friend. I was reminded of this when I sat down with Faith Eury Cho, an international speaker, pastor, author, and mom of four. Her new book, “Experien…
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When I reflect on my life, do you know what stands out? All of the small things I’ve done that led me to the big things God had in store for me. I can trace this back to many experiences in my life. These seemingly small efforts over time have led to a lasting legacy for my family. I’ve seen the decisions of my grandparents have an impact over gene…
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What makes your home a home? Is it the strategically placed picture frames full of family memories? The carefully curated decor following a theme you planned out yourself? Or is it the perfectly polished floors and countertops that lack any sign of life? Oftentimes, we associate cluttered tables, stacked sinks, and noisy kitchens with chaos. But wh…
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What is keeping you from taking the leap in your life? If the thought of going after your dreams scares you, then it may just be time for a shift in your perspective. My conversation with Bible teacher, speaker, and author Rachel G. Scott will encourage you to think of taking the leap in a way that puts your soul at ease. Her new book, “Taking the …
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What words do you use to talk about your body? Are you more negative than positive when it comes to acknowledging what you see in the mirror? All of us have at least one thing about our bodies we want to change. Try to focus less on what you want to change about yourself and instead highlight the good that you see. It is my hope that you can learn …
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Have you ever looked at the limitations in your life as gifts from God? I know how difficult it can be to stay positive when you feel stretched thin by life’s demands. In the latest episode of the Sister Circle Podcast, I sat down with my friend Sara Hagerty to talk about her insightful new book, “The Gift of Limitations,” and the importance of hon…
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When I first started my podcast ten years ago, I had no idea where this journey would take me. Armed with a borrowed microphone and basic recording software like GarageBand and QuickTime Player on my Macbook, I embarked on a path to share my thoughts in four categories – faith, family and friends, food and fitness, and fun. Little did I know that t…
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Have you ever looked up and all of a sudden you don’t know where the time has gone? Well that is how I am feeling about this episode because here I am celebrating 10 years of podcasting! That is correct – 10 years I’ve been at this podcasting business. I’m excited about listening back to Episode One with you and enjoying the higher voice, the initi…
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When was the last time you went on a date with your spouse? One thing I’ve learned over time is that consistently connecting with those who matter most is key to living life well. In this episode of The Sister Circle Podcast, I share some ways I’m intentional about enjoying life with my husband and close friends. I know that life can become mundane…
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Life will naturally create the hard. As you walk through the decades of life make sure you are marking them with something good for you to look back on. As moms, wives, women in leadership, business owners, and sisters, we notice when the things around us need our care. We see when others aren’t having fun. But we forget to see ourselves. We forget…
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Is there a business dream you want to bring to life but can’t figure out where to start? I know that pursuing a side hustle or a full-fledged business can feel daunting, to say the least. When money gets funny and support is hard to find, the temptation to quit on your dreams becomes all too real. In the latest episode of The Sister Circle Podcast,…
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Do you remember when God’s voice was the loudest voice in your life? The privilege to connect with God on an intimate level can be easy to overlook in busy seasons of life. Slow seasons offer the margin needed to discern the voice of God, but when the noise and distraction increase, it doesn’t take long for time with God to decrease. It’s important…
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Have you become comfortable with doing just enough to get by? What would it look like for you to go beyond what’s expected of you? We have the power to leave our homes, our jobs, and public spaces better than we found them when we do more than what’s required of us. Renowned author and speaker Devi Titus called this the “Also Principle,” and she mo…
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How do you hold on to hope in moments of suffering? Dr. Curt Thompson joined me to dive deeper into the believer’s relationship with suffering and hope. In his latest book, “The Deepest Place: Suffering and the Formation of Hope,” Dr. Thompson pairs his clinical knowledge as a psychiatrist with his own life experience, allowing him to engage with h…
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Have you ever had someone go above and beyond for you? From as small as an extra smile during an exchange with a stranger to someone showing up in a big way when they didn’t have to, when people go the extra mile, it leaves an impression. I like to call this the “also principle.” The “also principle” is the concept of going over and above as a way …
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The busyness of life can often blind you to the very things God is trying to reveal to you. My daughter, Kariss Farris, sat down with me to talk about her new devotional, “Jesus Everywhere: 60 Days of Encountering God in Unexpected Places,” and what happens when we pay attention to the hand of God in our lives. I pray that you experience Jesus in a…
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Are your feelings trying to tell you something? As someone who feels deeply, I can assure you that the feelings you express (intentionally or unintentionally) are often an outworking of what is going on in your heart. (Luke 6:45) When you keep your feelings inside, you might also be setting yourself up for them to come out in harmful ways or cause …
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Why are adult friendships so complicated? If you’ve ever wondered why making and maintaining friends is difficult the older you get, trust me, you’re not alone. In my own life, my friendships have shifted in different seasons. What I know for sure is that it was worth the fight. On the other side of hard conversations is support, love, and true con…
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Are you a good steward of your relationships? Do you make time for your spouse? Do you encourage your children? If you struggle to answer any of these questions, know that you will have a tough time pouring into others if you don’t first pour into yourself. In this episode, Michael Todd and I chat about his latest book, “A Cup of Love: Relationship…
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Life can throw so much at you that before long, you can find yourself completely stressed out and overwhelmed. It can be hard to rest in the promises of God when anxiety is weighing you down, but don’t give up. Things will begin to move in the right direction when you let go and let God. You’ll want to watch this video until the end. I pray it enco…
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Are you showing up authentically? My longtime friend Jada Edwards joined me during this year’s Sister Circle Live event to chat about how she embraces her authenticity. She encouraged the ladies (and myself) to get clear about what is true about our design and to walk freely in it. Trust me, I know that living authentically is a process. There migh…
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When was the last time you felt FOMO (the fear of missing out)? What if that fear is causing you to miss out on the joy of the season you’re in right now? There is joy to be found in the things you don’t have to worry about. You can experience joy in your life by finding joy where you are, adopting an abundance mindset, and focusing on the good. Li…
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Are you pacing yourself as you set goals for 2024? You may have a list of goals to accomplish. You may have even selected your word for the year, but what will determine your success at the end of this year is your pace. I want you to be able to look back from the finish line of your life and know that you ran your race well. If you’ve gotten off t…
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If you want to thrive, you must be planted well. What does it mean for you to thrive? Well, the dictionary defines thriving as growth or development that happens well. Thriving means “to prosper” and “to flourish”. It does not mean that there aren’t challenges, problems, or hardships to overcome, but thriving does mean that you will overcome them a…
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During the month of December, one of the other ways I practice stillness is to go quiet on the podcast. We record and release the Christmas Collection and usually that’s it until January! This year, however, we have so many new things coming in January that I dropped one more podcast for you all that is FULL of all the upcoming things. I don’t want…
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What do you already know you should be doing? If you are seeking clarity and you feel overwhelmed, take a moment to consider what you know is true. What did God tell you to do, but you’ve been putting it off? In this episode, we talk about how it’s time to activate your knowledge to see the growth you’ve been longing to see in your life. Pray and s…
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We are making our way towards 2024, and with Christmas quickly approaching, that means it’s time to sit back and enjoy Chrystal’s Christmas Collection! Kariss and I continue our mother-daughter tradition of hosting the Christmas Collection and we had tons of fun, as always! Highlights from Today’s Episode: Favorite holiday memories Experiences to g…
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When was the last time you got rest for your soul? My friend Asheritah CiuCiu joined me for a chat about finding true rest in Jesus. I know that sometimes it can feel intimidating to get in the presence of God. During our conversation, Asheritah shared a memorable acronym for rest that will help us invite God into our daily lives with ease. I was s…
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Do you typically wait until the last possible minute to plan for the holiday season? The holidays come around the same time every year, and yet many of us fail to learn from last year’s mistakes. It doesn’t have to be this way. You can choose to move differently this holiday season. Better yet, you can use this season as a test run for planning ahe…
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The holidays are coming, and I want to know, how are your stress levels? This time of year can feel like one big event after another. There are parties to attend, spaces to decorate, gifts to buy, and outfits to choose from – all of which equal planning and money. Overall, this is just MORE. More on the calendar, more to pay attention to, and… MORE…
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Struggling with comparison? What feelings stir up in your heart when you scroll through social media? Do you feel compelled to compare yourself to other people when you see them post about their beautiful homes, perfect relationships, and successful careers? Let me free you for a second. It is normal to feel this way. If you dig a little deeper, co…
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Do you know what it is to fully live your life? One of my goals in creating the content I share is to make sure that YOU are living a life that you love. Recently, I sat down for an in-person discussion with a dear friend who has had an experience of, what some may call, a lifetime. What if the dreams that are you in your heart CAN come true? What …
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Are you struggling to make time for the friendships in your life? Listen, I get it. The undercurrent of many of our lives is busyness. Considering how to work another thing into an already full schedule is often not what any of us would prefer to do. But making room for deep and lasting connection is possible. Want to know how? Listen to this episo…
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Jackie Hill Perry is all too familiar with the challenge of making time for God when the days feel short. Abiding in the Lord has allowed her to show up for her home in the same way that she shows up in ministry. As women, we have so many responsibilities to tend to at any given time. Keeping up with home, ministry, and everything in between can fe…
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When we slow down and let the Holy Spirit guide us, we can be intentional about the information we take in and the God ideas we put out into the world. How can we do this? I’ve learned a thing or two about developing an innovative mindset over the years. In this episode, I break down my process for innovating and implementing ideas. I hope these st…
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Are you comfortable with who and how God made you to be? Do you feel less than and uncomfortable in your own skin? That’s not how God desires for us to live and flourish. He created us to live an abundant life. He desires for us to walk in freedom. And his purpose for our life is dependent on us learning to accept the fullness of who we are and how…
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What is your body telling you? For many of us, listening to our bodies doesn’t come naturally. Despite our many attempts at self-care, tuning into our deepest needs tends to come second best. But what would happen if you took time to be with you? To feel the shifts in your body? To release the tension you carry? What would you discover? If you list…
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Comedian and author Yvonne Orji joins me to discuss her book, Bamboozled by Jesus: How God Tricked Me Into the Life of My Dreams. As she puts it, God “supersized” her dreams to the extent that she now has to dream even bigger dreams. Not surprisingly, my conversation with Yvonne was full of laughter and insightful moments. Her lighthearted approach…
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Have you ever considered that staying young may have nothing at all to do with age? Life has a funny way of reminding us that we are getting older (cue the knee’s cracking), but that doesn’t mean we have to stop living with a youthful state of mind. Yes, with age comes wisdom, but living with a youthful state of mind keeps you enjoying and engaging…
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Are there parts of your life that you try to keep hidden away? I’m sure most of us can think of something from our past that we would rather not revisit. Those painful moments can feel overwhelming and all-consuming at times. I spent some time talking with Taylor Madu about what can happen when we allow all things to work together for our good. If …
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Do you ever feel like you just need a plan for your life? Are you constantly mulling over what the future holds for you? Here’s what you need to know, developing a personal vision for your life may be easier than you think. With a little intentionality and the audacity to dream, you might just be on the cusp of living freely and fully the life you’…
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We all have seasons of brokenness. It’s a natural part of life. And it is healthy to acknowledge and own how we feel. Yet, the key is remembering we do not have to sit in those seasons. We can allow ourselves to heal and grow from the hard experiences we face. We can live in true authenticity when we invite our broken spaces into the story of who w…
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Are you a finisher? No questions asked, starting is half the battle. Despite becoming distracted, lacking motivation, or feeling like there just isn’t enough time, you ARE capable of finishing what you start. The key is keeping the finish line in front of you. Becoming a finisher means deciding that what you are in pursuit of is worth the necessary…
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Not only is Dr. Anita Phillips a sister in Christ and a dear friend, but she’s also a trauma therapist, a life coach, and a minister with a profound understanding of what it takes to be an emotionally whole believer. In her new book, “The Garden Within”, Dr. Anita contends God created us in the pattern of plants and compares the garden of our heart…
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Do you ever wonder, when you have thoughts, feelings, or some kind of knowing in your heart if that “voice” is your own or God’s? Here’s what I can tell you about listening to God. It’s like music playing in the distance. There is a melody that strikes a chord within your spirit when you hear it. Maybe you hear that still small voice but still ques…
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Grit isn’t born—it’s developed. My friend, Bianca Juarez Olthoff, has survived and overcome so many things to be successful in passionately serving the Lord today. She joins me in this episode to talk about how God developed grit in her own life, and how He can do the same for you. Following God’s call can feel long and hard, but obedience to God w…
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It doesn’t have to be complicated. Quiet time is simply a dedicated time of connection with God. How then, does it work? What should it look like for you? You don’t have to be a Biblical Scholar to have a successful quiet time. Given the right tools, all you have to do is simply show up in anticipation for what God may want to do when you create sp…
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CeCe Winans joins me on The Sister Circle Podcast as we discuss what it looks like to prioritize the word of God and seek His wisdom in every area of your life. CeCe is not only a GRAMMY award-winning artist who has influenced a generation of gospel vocalists over her 40-year span of recording and performing, but she is passionate about making sure…
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