show episodes
Black women deserve good, beautiful things. I'm Alecia Renece, a Free Black woman living with joy, telling the truth and healing. Music, musings, affirmations and meditations as we live slowly, heal through creativity, storytelling, play, joy, connection and community. This is a Creative Playground and Healing Journal and all are welcome. I don't know what I'm doing, and I love that. Let's see where this adventure takes us. You are extraordinary. You are enough. You matter. You are loved. ht ...
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Hello, and welcome to my podcast. I first went viral on TikTok after telling the story of how I got stuck buying 100 tacos on a first date. Since then, it’s been a wild and crazy ride. I now have millions of eyeballs watching my videos on a daily basis (which is just a terrifying number of eyeballs, honestly). Each week on my podcast Funny Cuz It’s True, I’ll be sitting down with my favorite creators, friends and comedians to find the stories that have stuck with them and changed their lives ...
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I'm not a supermom. But I always wanted to be one and have it all: family, career/business that I love, AND the time for myself. But that ambition without proper stress resistance and resilience killed my mom (cancer at 48) and drove me to the edge of burnout twice. Only when I saw the disastrous effects of my anger, stress, and resentment on my little daughter, I knew I had to change... Since then, not only have I healed but I also helped thousands of other women all around the world throug ...
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A podcast dedicated to helping you have a healthy pregnancy, confident childbirth and strong recovery. In this podcast, we will cover the strategies to help you stay healthy and active during pregnancy, and confidently recover after childbirth, so that you can get back to your old (new) self, with a bubba by your side. You will find some amazing interviews with professionals covering breastfeeding with lactation consultants, childbirth with midwives and doctors, as well as birth stories from ...
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Wrestling with yourself? Other people? Life? You’re not alone – nobody has life figured out. Welcome to Wrestling With Life, where we get out of our heads together, baby!! I’m your host, EmLed, and I’m spilling all the tea on the ways I’ve struggled and how I’m stepping into the highest version of myself in the hopes it will help you do the same. Wrestling With Life is a community for ambitious people who want to get out of their head and start truly living! Learn to adopt the mindset shifts ...
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Faith Led Working Moms - Creating Balance, Biblical Mindset, Routines, Time Management, Priorities, Overwhelm Management

Lindsay Walker | Working Mom Mentor | Christian Mindset Mentor, Christian Life Coaching, Intentional Living/Time Management Coach

*Creating Balance *Biblical Mindset *Intentional Living * Time Management *Priorities *Overwhelm & Anxiety Management Are you a busy, working Mom, overwhelmed by all the hats you have to wear? Are you exhausted from juggling your ever-growing list of commitments and to-dos? Do you desire to show up abundantly in all the areas of your life, but are spread too thin, leaving you feeling weary and guilty that you didn’t do enough? If this is you, Friend, then I am so excited to welcome you! I’m ...
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Hello My Beautiful Being, I wanted to let you know a name change for the podcast! It is now Selfcare with Li! The podcast dedicated to personal growth, living intentionally, and walking in your purpose. Li strongly encourages everyone to write their vision on paper. Using our words is the only way to create the days, weeks, years, and life we want. The seven pillars of selfcare has really helped me with my journey in falling back in love with myself. Though the battle was and is still challe ...
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My name is Whitney Walker, welcome to Women Waken! I am a Licensed Mental Health Therapist specialising in substance abuse, addiction, eating disorders, trauma, and Spirituality. Over 10 years ago I walked into a therapist office for the first time because I realised that I felt incapable of handling life. I abused drugs and alcohol, had rock bottom self esteem, often felt suicidal, was very self destructive, and had no idea how to resolve what felt like a complete mess inside my mind and em ...
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Hi, I’m Siobhan, and I am on a journey to redefine freedom and live life on my own terms. Each week we’ll have open conversations about what it looks like to do the inner work. My intention is to create a safe space for women to feel seen. We’re gonna talk about all the things, so if you want to be free, be sure to subscribe so you never miss an episode. Sending you love and light.
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Welcome to the Crowned with Confidence Podcast! Hello Queen, Hola Reina! Are you a stay-at-home mom seeking to feel confident in yourself and in your motherhood? Maybe you run a business from home or homeschool your kids and find yourself overwhelmed all the time. Do you struggle to find time for yourself and feel like God is just wanting you to slow down a little bit or make some changes in your life? Have you found yourself so stressed out and know you need to prioritize your fitness, ment ...
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Do you feel like you are struggling in your healing journey? Are you looking for a safe space to share your story, get advice, and find support? If so, A Sista Love Podcast is what you're looking for! On this podcast, we tell the stories of women who have overcome trauma and domestic violence. Each episode either features an interview with a woman who has been through trauma or domestic violence; or supports or celebrates a sister. The podcast also includes advice from experts on healing and ...
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Vision Driven Health - Weight Loss for Christian Women, Biblical Health, Conquer Cravings, Kingdom Mindset, Increase Energy Naturally

Robin Rhine McDonald, INHC, MDiv | Christian Health Coach, Christian Nutrition Coach, Christian Wellness Coach

Do you struggle with low energy and catch yourself reminiscing about when you were “young” and able to keep up? Are you overwhelmed by even having to THINK about what it’d take to lose weight? Do you mindlessly snack and give in to late night cravings? Are you bogged down by the shame that comes with knowing what to do, but not being able to get yourself to do it consistently? Do you feel like anything you try is bound to fail, so there’s no point in trying anyway? Friend, there’s HOPE! Hope ...
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Does the thought of having to live in a world without your child cripple you? Do you lay awake at night with the ”what if’s” and the ”why’s” constantly playing in your mind, wondering if you’ll ever feel peace again? Does everything seem hard, even the little things? Do you just want someone to understand how you feel? I see you friend. In this podcast you will find the hope you’re looking for, the healing you’re longing for, and the key to living again after losing your child, all through t ...
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Discover What’s Next and Take Courageous Action!! Do you wish to gain clarity in creating the second half of your life? Are you tired of being stressed and unhealthy? Are you struggling in your relationships? Do you dream of retiring and traveling the world? In this podcast, you will learn how to achieve a vibrant midlife mind and body, how to create solid relationships through love and loss, and how to create an awesome second half of life! My mission is to provide you with clarity on the l ...
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Budgeting Brilliance for Moneywise Moms is an absolute must listen if you are a busy mom struggling with overwhelming debt and seeking peace from it all. This podcast is for you if you are a busy mom... > with limited time to manage your overwhelming household budget > desperate for debt reduction strategies for your family > eager to learn simple monthly budget solutions > seeking smart spending habits to grow your wealth > hoping for a better money relationship with your spouse This podcas ...
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Feel Better. Live Free. with Ruth Soukup is the revolutionary health & wellness podcast brought to you by Thinlicious®, created to help midlife women create FREEDOM in our lives through healing our bodies from the inside out, while questioning the outdated mainstream narratives surrounding health and weight loss that haven't worked. Our mission is to help you find FREEDOM. The freedom to look and feel your best. The freedom to NOT be controlled by food addictions ever again. And the freedom ...
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Have you ever wondered what successful people have that you don’t? What are they doing that you might not be doing? How are they so fit, toned and healthy while you are not? You might be working super hard but others are getting the promotions, their side hustles are making them money but yours is not taking off? Hi my name is Moe Ghias, a kid who grew up in a village in Pakistan, and when he was 13 years old, finishing 8th grade, his family immigrated to the US with only knowing 2 words of ...
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Learning is a never ending necessity. I am a curious cat, who dwells in the mysteries around us. Why do we think the way we do? Why is the color Red called RED? How do i get to love myself? The questions are endless and so are the answers. Come learn with me. I hope to make the experience a soothing one.
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The Selah Entrepreneur - Simple & Sustainable Online Business for Women Over 50

Marta Goertzen | Business Clarity Coach | Online Business for Women Over 50

** Online Business ** Women Over 50 ** Health & Wellness ** Rested Entrepreneurs ** Have you been in business awhile and now feel stuck and unsure of how to get unstuck? Have you ever wondered if being over 50 means it’s too late to make big changes in your life and business? Have you taken all the business courses and still haven’t found the answer you are looking for? Are you struggling to balance all the hats you wear of running your online business, caregiving, taking care of your home, ...
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Kingdom Daughters- Christian Woman, Identity in Christ, Christian Confidence, Christian Mom, Christian Habits, Christian Mindset, Strengthen your faith, Hear from God

Angela- Certified Christian Life Coach, Worship Leader, Christian Coach, Identity Coach, Christian Confidence Coach, Faith Encourager

Do you want to have a close relationship with God?Do you want to stop comparing and walk in the purposes God has for YOU? Are you finding it hard to find time in your busy schedule to just sit with the Lord? Are you constantly questioning His purpose and plan for your life? If any of this resonated, I’m so glad you are here!! In this podcast you will find confidence in who you are in Jesus! You are His beautiful daughter my friend! You will learn to stop comparing and realize the amazing gif ...
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New Episodes Every Monday @ 3:00AM CST. We can all agree we need some BIG societal changes. You may think those changes need to be in one direction, and your neighbor might think those changes need to be in the total opposite direction. How do we love our neighbor during division? How do we put Jesus’s second greatest command from Matt 22 into action? How do we make our words and actions match? What do cultural and societal changes look like on a minute by minute, thought by thought basis? J ...
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Believe it or not, I wasn't always this cute. I used to be an overworked, tired and frequently sick executive who had a terrible relationship with her body, food and self-acceptance. Over the last 11 years I learned a lot and got myself to be happy, healthy and totally in love with myself. Now it's my turn to pay it forward and in this podcast I will share what I learned so you can be healthier and happier in an eAZier way! Ask away what you would like to know. If you are looking for inspira ...
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Kathy Gruver Podcasts and Meditations

Dr Kathy Gruver, music by Richard Reifenstein

Heal and relax with guided visualizations and meditations led by Dr Kathy Gruver, PhD. Dr Gruver is a health and wellness expert, award-winning author, TV Host and public speaker. She has over 23 years of experience in the health fields and these guided sessions will help you to improve your health and your life. Reduce stress, improve healing and boost your immune system using these easy to follow visualizations. (Please note: these do not intend to prescribe or diagnose any medical conditi ...
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LIVING FULLY ALIVE. A podcast from: Mary Hyatt Intuitive Living For The Modern Woman. I’m on a quest to help women start living fully alive. In my podcast, I’ll share real conversations and strategies for having more purpose, pleasure and passion in your body, mind, and soul. From body love, mindset, femininity, success, sexuality - I cover it all! In 2012 I was completely shut down, feeling lost, numb and freaked out. I was 75 pounds heavier than I am now, living out one of the darkest time ...
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Welcome to the Dick Den. It's about to get weird friends. If you’re here I hope you’re ready to hear about DICKS & BUTTS! I’m Rachael Z., a lingam masseuse with a passion for pleasure. I show men how to tap into pleasure centers they didn’t know existed. I show women how to do the same in my in-person interactive workshops. I’m an adventurous, unfiltered, loud, ridiculous woman and self proclaimed comedian. I’m a breast cancer thriver and former sex worker of 10+ years. I love talking about ...
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Whether you have plans to go to school in pursuit of a job in healthcare and dreams of having a baby in the future or you’re a seasoned healthcare working mother, this show is for you! The Successful Healthcare Working Mother Podcast is your one-stop shop for actionable tips and advice for learning how to cultivate confidence, build boundaries and prioritize your wellness. I’ll answer all of your questions such as: How can I effectively manage my time between work and family responsibilities ...
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Religion can complicate our relationship with God and it can feel more like a heavy burden or boxes to check than a deeply personal connection with our Creator. ⁣⁣We are also surrounded with messages that tell us that our value is our ability to get things done while at the same time saying that we as Christian women shouldn’t stand out or draw attention to ourselves.⁣⁣My name is Emily Louis and for 26 years of my life, I felt like it was my responsibility to keep God happy by doing all the ...
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Sarah Hagstrom is a long-time entrepreneur who started out as a health coach, she is on a spiritual journey helping other business owners and coaches tap into their hearts and share their gifts in a way that leads to an unlimited abundance of money, time & fulfillment. This podcast is an example of what balance, ease and joy in business look like without compromise. If you’re interested in health & wellness, entrepreneurship, becoming the best version of yourself, or spiritual growth, you’re ...
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My name is Isaac, and I am a full-time podcast producer.Before covid, I was stuck in a dead-end job with terrible hours, making very little. There were no opportunities available to me in my degree field or that related to my past work experience.Fast forward to present day, I am a full-time producer with a list of clients I love working with. I have surrounded myself with other professionals who value my skill set and who pay me to do what I excel at.This podcast is for anyone who knows wha ...
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Welcome to Forever Faithful Marriage Secrets, where I share my most intimate experiences and secrets on how you can GROW and THRIVE in your marriage while separated due to deployment. Hi there! I'm Liz Houser. Marriage life in the military certainly has it's ups and downs, and it's easy to feel like your life is out of your control. But deployment life doesn't have to be all tears and drama. Join me today as I share with you a different way to create a marriage that is fully committed, inten ...
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Are you dealing with hurt from trauma in your life, but you are looking forward to feeling better? Are you looking for who you are after you have lost track of the person you are to be? Survivors Traveling Lightly will help you find ways to heal, people to help you heal, and then a path to discover who you are in this part of your life. Guests, along with myself, will discuss how we have recovered and found our thing or things we love to do. We will pick topics of interest to find out how to ...
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Sareena Merino- Accountability Coach

Do you struggle to feel present with your littles because you have a running to do list in the back of your head?Are you tired of feeling like your on call 24/7 as a mom wife and entrepreneur?Or do you even struggle with calling yourself an entrepreneur since you are a STAHM that doesn’t even contribute financially to her home?Are you ready to step into this new life and learn how to make the best of it and feel successful whether you are making $100 a month or $100k a month?In this podcast ...
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Discover Your Core, Create Plan B, and Build a workLESS Business You Do you feel unfulfilled in your career? Do you feel like there’s more to life? Wondering what you could do that would replace your career income? Are you searching for a Plan B but have no idea what it could be? Do you feel like time is running out, yet you don’t know what to do next? Then you’re in good hands. Welcome to When Passion Meets Profit - where I help career professionals just like you create a Plan B so they can ...
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Namaste Beautiful soul, My name is Sirjudaye Bhajan, a mama just like you who found the beautiful, loving, blissful, smart, worthy, deserving, strong, eternal, purposeful, powerful BEING I AM, after years of suffering in silence in an unhappy marriage. As much as I knew deep within me, the life I was living was, by far what I deserved, every time I tried to move forward I failed and ended up even more lost and hopeless.. It came to the point I could no longer look at my husband because of al ...
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Dear Jessamyn

Moon Room & Tenderfire Media

Produced by Tenderfire Media, Dear Jessamyn was a weekly podcast encompassing real, raw, and rarely sugar-coated conversations about relationships and loving outside the box. Hosted by romantic partners — award winning writer and yogi, Jessamyn Stanley and Tenderfire Media founder ashe danger phoenix — listeners receive intimate access into the lives of a polyamorous queer couple navigating life.
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With this podcast, you'll discover how to pursue your dreams and ditch the conventional way of living by listening to honest conversations on mindset and entrepreneurship. It’s real, raw, and down-to-earth. The Kelly Trach Show is a top-rated podcast that hosts guests from around the globe. So, subscribe and discover what thousands of people are loving and tuning into on the daily.
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A weekly podcast that takes a deep dive into the heart of life's transitions for those 40 and over. From embracing an empty nest and caring for elderly parents to navigating the body and mind changes of a certain age and reshaping careers. Every Sunday, join host, Valerie Mekki, offering a blend of mindfulness practices, heartfelt affirmations, and real-life stories to guide you through the evolving landscape of midlife. Whether it involves professional pivots, personal growth, or embracing ...
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After messing my life up by making ignorant, naive and sometimes silly choices, I sat down and did what I call an 'introspective retrospective', took responsibility for the choices that I had made, developed The 7 Big Questions and began to take control of my life. A couple of years after implementing the answers I had created from the 7 Big Questions, I had turned my life around 180 degrees. I had a better, more loving and supportive relationship with my lady and myself, I had better contro ...
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Ask The Gotti

Brady Theodore The "Gotti"

No skills, No Money No Future – Many feel the struggles of Life Welcome to Ask The Gotti. Presented as myself Brady Theodore aka the “Gotti”, he let’s his listeners in on what it took to go from no computer skills, no money and no financial future to becoming an on-line success story. Here I discuss what is needed and how to gain the knowledge to earn online and become a leader Social Media Marketing. If you feel that you do not have the skills the money or the time to move closer to your dr ...
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Welcome to Season 6 with me Shivraj Parshad. As a Coach, Mentor and Media educator, this becomes a powerful medium for me to speak to you about events, ideas and people who left a profound impact on me and therefore can make a world of difference to you. I was recently asked to re-examine my 50 years of life on earth, as a perfectly written novel. What I discovered was mind blowing. With each passing phase of my life, certain gifts in terms of knowledge and strengths made me learn a lot more ...
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Midlife. The in-between years when you're no longer young but you're not old yet either. It's that time in your story when you're crying all the way home from leaving your kid at college. Or crumpling up your high school reunion invite because life has not turned out at all in the way you said it would. You're waking up in the middle of the night wracked with financial worry. You're going through a divorce or grieving your spouse or wondering who that man is across the table as you haven't r ...
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Are you tired of missing memories and moments with your kids because you’re stuck working long shifts at a job you no longer love? Are you trying to grow your side hustle so you can be more present as a wife and mom, but you worry about walking away from a stable, reliable income for the uncertainty of Mompreneur life? Do you desperately desire more freedom and flexibility but you struggle to find time for ALL THE THINGS? Like how can you grow a business when you don’t even have time to tie ...
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Patient Parenting, Parenting Hacks, Faith-led Parenting, Christian Moms, World Changers Do you feel like you’re missing something in your parenting? You want your kids and families to thrive and you just want the best for your kids, but don’t know what you’re missing? You want to parent intentionally, but you don’t know where to start. Or maybe you struggle with how to embrace their gifts and personalities and don’t know how to help them reach their full potential because life and behavior s ...
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Katherine Arati Maas

Transformation Talk Radio

Coming Clean Radio: The Art of Transparency - Tuesdays 9am Pacific / 12pm Eastern Coming Clean Radio is a resource for all women in recovery. Its the end of covering up, pretending, and lying to yourself. This is the Art of Transparency and an invitation to reveal all that you are. When I finally got sober in 2012, I made a promise to myself that I would no longer lie to myself, pretend to be someone I was not, nor would I be ashamed of who I really was. I want to be truly seen and I invite ...
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Get Clarity for your pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum and motherhood Journey! Are you a pregnant or postpartum mama? Are you feeling lost as to what options you have for pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum, and in the early years of your motherhood journey? Do you wish all that overwhelming information can be condensed into one place and easy to understand? Are you ready to nurture and build up your mom-gut to help you make informed decisions that best serve you and your family? In this podca ...
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Become a Paid Subscriber: Hello Podcast listener, this is Master Red, a Charizard obsessed Pokemon gamer for life with a teaching career with up to date news on all things Pokemon and the Pokemon Trading Card Game. I love teaching and I love pokemon, so I hope that I could inspire you to do what you love. Where does the name come from , what's it inspired by?Master Red: The Charizard TCG and Pokemon podcast, also known as Master Red ...
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What would it mean for you if you knew you were 100% aligned with your soul, soul purpose, and soul journey, with utter confidence and trust that you’re living the life your beautiful soul came here for, filled with purpose, fulfillment and magic? That’s what’s possible for you through applying grounded and effective spirituality in your everyday life. Backed by over 12 years of experience as a Spiritual Life Coach, helping my clients all over the world to successfully have transformational ...
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Dear Single Christian Woman,⁣⁣ Does any of this sound familiar? "Lord, I'm trying to wait on You, but I'm running out of time." ⁣ "(Sigh)...I'm so tired of being alone. I feel like I've been alone my whole life." ⁣ "Lord, what's wrong with me? Why am I not good enough for anyone?" "I accept that I'm in my single season, but Lord what am I supposed to be doing in it?" Those are just some of the thoughts and questions I've had as a single Christian woman, and if you can relate, then The Dear S ...
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show series
Do you ever have those days when you feel a flood of creative energy towards something unexpected? It could be something small, like running to the craft store and getting all the material you need for a vision board or to put together a photo album. Or something as big as putting together a business plan for a venture you've always toyed with yet …
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Too busy to keep running with your to-do list in one hand and your family, work, home, in the other? Are you even sure you're still running in the "good" direction? And how would you know what a good direction look like? Could it be more than just keeping everyone fed, clean and getting to places on time? Let's dive into this together in this speci…
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"The water is not going to show up until you're a hundred feet deep." Life often throws unexpected challenges our way, and too frequently, we react rather than prepare. But what if we could change the way we approach these challenges? In today's podcast, I will discuss a powerful concept that significantly changed the way I live over the past six m…
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Throughout my own grief journey, I’ve received advice that just didn’t fit after losing Sam. This type of grief that we’re having to walk through, the grief of losing a child, is just not right. It shouldn’t be this way. And so the “typical” advice that we might receive just doesn’t apply to us as grieving moms. In this episode I bring you 4 pieces…
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In this enlightening episode of The Midlife Makeover Show, host Wendy Valentine welcomes Lori Lisai, a Human Design mentor and alignment coach with an incredible journey of transformation. After a successful 26-year career in teaching, Lori followed her intuition and embarked on an entrepreneurial path to help midlife women break free from the burd…
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Hi there Beautiful, "Do you want to be liked or do you want to be free?" That's the question I asked myself when I was struggling with loving myself and seeing the value and beauty within myself. I've changed the name of the podcast because I have work to do. I have a whole person to be and become and I'm afraid. I'm afraid of rejection and falling…
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In the world of chiropractic, the philosophy is our compass—it’s the 'why' that shapes the 'what' and 'how' of our practice. But what happens when your 'why' evolves? How do you transform your approach to stay true to your new understanding? Join us in this episode as Martin sits down with Glenn Duffy, a chiropractor who has navigated this very jou…
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We have been taught to seek love, power, and validation outside ourselves. To radically embody love is to know the truth of who we are. To recognize we are already love, already powerful, already worthy. This requires entering the portal of our cosmic heart. My beautiful guest this week, Nasrin Barbic, has made this statement the theme and focus of…
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Hey friend! Welcome back to the Holy & Hungry segment of the Vision Driven Health podcast. This mid week episode is a short health devotional for you where you can bring your hunger to the table and be filled with what God has for your health. Have you felt like you are at a dead end with your health? Are you feeling hopeless? Do you wish you could…
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Are you feeling overwhelmed by your finances and not sure where to start or do you just feel like some days are better than others? In this episode, we dive deep into practical tactics designed for anyone struggling with a chaotic budget. Tune in to learn how to take control of your financial situation, reduce stress, and set yourself up for long-t…
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In Episode 55, we dive into practical tips and strategies for making the most of summer with your kids while managing work responsibilities. Whether you work from home, have a flexible schedule, or work in a traditional office, this episode is packed with valuable insights to help you create meaningful memories without sacrificing productivity. Joi…
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Harley Seelbinder is an intimacy coach and the founder of Road Away From Porn, a program that empowers men to quit watching porn and lead happier, healthier, and more authentic lives! This episode is both for MEN and WOMEN who watch porn. Harley and I discuss: How we have both struggled with watching porn Stats on pornography that will blow your mi…
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Motherhood is busy, and finding the time to exercise with a baby and toddler can sometimes be a challenge. Join me in this episode today where I answer this listener question and I chat through 4 tips to help you find the time (and energy) to exercise as a busy mum. LINKS: Free 7 Day Trial Pregnancy Workouts Free 7 Day Trial Postnatal Workouts FitN…
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Hola Reina! In this episode I provide an exercise that you can do to help you identify the things that are robbing your time and energy from the important things in your life. When you get the opportunity to lay out everything you do in front of you, it makes you realize how much time is invested in many things. I pray that God reveals to you the t…
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Whether you're ready for it or not, summer is officially here. For those of us with kids still at home, that usually means relief from the crazy grind of the busy school year, but also a change in routine that can sometimes feel just as chaotic as that last intolerable month of school. But even if you don't have kids at home, there's something abou…
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"The path to emotional freedom is the Hero's journey..." Choosing to make higher choices in our life, such as releasing negative thoughts about ourselves and others and and moving into a place of faith & trust, is the path to Emotional Freedom. It also involves breaking the attachments to things outside of ourselves to determine how we feel about o…
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Hey friend! Does cooking sound less than appealing? Maybe you've tried it and after buying numerous random ingredients you only ended up using for the one recipe, the meal you had hoped would be delicious and beautiful like your pinterest pin - ended up being a disappointment.Or maybe whenever you've tried healthy cooking it just feels boring and u…
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In this inspiring episode of The Midlife Makeover Show, host Wendy Valentine welcomes the fabulous Lucia Santa Maria, an image consultant with a remarkable journey. With over three decades as an award-winning costume stylist in TV and film, Lucia has dressed characters and shaped visual stories, capturing the essence of personalities through attire…
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Navigating the dualities of midlife can often feel overwhelming, but you don't have to simply ‘get by’ and hope the stress will disappear on its own. In this episode of the Mindful Life Changes podcast, host Valerie Mekki explores the complexities of midlife and offers practical insights to help you thrive amidst the contrasts. Join Valerie as she …
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Happy Summer Solstice & Full Capricorn Strawberry Moon! We've made it to the time (in the Northern hemisphere) of sun, fun, long days, vacations, relaxation, all the good stuff! comes Capricorn moon to keep us in check on our bullshit. It's actually a good balance that is struck here and that's what I explore today. A vibrant and celebrato…
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No, your child did not get the "narcissistic genetics" of your spouse. And you are not yelling because you got the "yelling genes" of your mother/father. What if it was not about genetics? And what if you did have a power to change it, so that: - you can stop being triggered by your kids = don't have to yell - help them grow up into kind, respectfu…
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In this exciting episode of The Midlife Makeover Show, host Wendy Valentine sits down with Julie Fry, the inspiring founder of Your Expert Guest, a podcast guest booking agency that empowers impactful women to amplify their voices without the grind of social media. Julie and her team have successfully booked thousands of interviews, including with …
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"Start focusing on what you're eating every day. And then if you need specific help, always reach out." When it comes to losing weight, many people find themselves stuck despite their best efforts. What if the issue isn't a lack of effort but your lack of focus? In today's podcast, I discuss a common issue people face in weight loss & I’ll explore …
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Last weekend, something unexpected happened. As I was on my daily walk, I suddenly felt a strong urge to share my story and offer advice that I wished I had received during my challenging divorce process. My first book is titled, "I Don't Want To Be Married Anymore: Finding the Courage and Where to Start." My book is a sincere offering to those who…
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Hi there Beautiful, Apathy won't save you. Pretending not to care will not protect you. You should care. We should care more. much love, joy and peace, Alecia 🌈RAGE EP: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ 🌈 Get my Book, Black Girl Creative here: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ 🌈 Sign…
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There’s nothing more inspiring than hearing real people overcome real challenges to get the results they want–especially when those are the same results you’d like to see in your own life! That’s why in this episode we’re going deep with an amazing woman named Tammie Matthews who’s actually been there, and who’s finally seeing massive success after…
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Summer is here! Summer is a great time to make memories with your family. And as we all know, memories are so precious. Memories are things we can hold on to for years and years to come. However, most of the time memories won’t just happen - we have to be intentional in planning for them! I don’t want you to get to the end of your summer and realiz…
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Starting a practice from scratch means venturing into uncharted territory without a map or guide. The stakes are high—your livelihood, reputation, and mental health hang in the balance. In today's episode, we are joined by Dr. Andrew Smith, who not only launched his thriving practice from the ground up but also documented his journey to create a ro…
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Life can throw us some serious curve balls at times. Some so unique that it can be hard to feel that anyone could ever understand or that we could feel capable of moving through. Yet, if we came here to be an emotional Warrior, it's our Soul's plan to learn through challenging lessons. My guest this week, Kristina Gauthier, is one of those warriors…
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Hey Friend, I think we've all been in a place where we're super excited to try something new, even knowing that it'd be a challenge... only to then realize that it's much less fun than we imagined and much more difficult than we had originally anticipated. That's when the motivation fades and the habits we were trying to implement along with it I'm…
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Rediscover Your Entrepreneurial Passion: It's Never Too Late In this episode of the Selah Entrepreneur Podcast, we explore the common feeling of stagnation in business, especially among those over 50, and the belief that it's too late for major changes. I’m sharing personal experiences and stories from members of the Selah Society Mastermind group …
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In this episode of the Budgeting Brilliance podcast, we dive into a simple, yet powerful TWO question test to determine if you'll achieve long-term financial independence. Discover key habits and mindset shifts that set financially successful individuals apart. Whether you're just starting your budgeting journey or looking to refine your strategies…
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Hi there Beautiful, I wrote a song about wage slavery. Wage Slavery, Late Stage Capitalism and My Ancestor's Slave songs inspired this modern day Work Song. much love, joy and peace, Alecia 🌈RAGE EP: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ 🌈 Get my Book, Black Girl Creative here: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠…
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In this episode I chat with Simone Holtznagel, who shares her pregnancy journey, birth story and recovery journey, with baby Gia being born at the end of March. Simone Holtznagel is one of Australia’s media personalities, and has appeared in shows such as 'Australia’s Next Top Model' and 'I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here'. In today's podcast epis…
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Are you feeling fatigued, stressed or overwhelmed? God provides beautiful promises that offer strength, peace, and hope - especially when we are feeling overwhelmed by life's demands. Join us as we explore how to find peace and renewal through the scriptures, embracing the divine support available to us in every situation. Things we will unpack in …
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How often are you up til 3 AM racked with guilt and shame as you think about the past mistakes you've made? Guilt is a healthy and normal human emotion -- but when we internalize that guilt, it turns into shame, and shame tells us that we are broken, unworthy, and unlovable. WHICH IS A LIE! Nobody is irredeemable. No matter what you've done or how …
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Have you ever gone to the doctor and had them whip out their prescription pad after just a few minutes and then send you on your way? My guess is the answer is yes, because in this day and age of modern medicine, that's pretty much the normal protocol, right? And it's kind of infuriating, especially when they hardly ask any questions, nor do they e…
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As I sat down to record on Father's day, I remembered that "Father Wound" was on my list of future solo episodes to record. So I figured today was the perfect day to check it off my list. It's a big topic with a lot to cover. So I used this episdoe to focus mostly on exploring the Father wound and offering ways to begin breaking the cycle of ineffe…
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Hey Friend! We are wrapping up the Healthy Hormones Series with a SOLID episode on what to expect when you're going through menopause. My guest today does a very thorough job of explaining the different stages of menopause, what can be expected as normal, what requires more support, and she also provides the specific lifestyle habits you need to ad…
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In this eye-opening episode of The Midlife Makeover Show, host Wendy Valentine welcomes the inspiring Jodi Wellman, a speaker, author, and facilitator dedicated to helping people live lives worth living. Jodi is the founder of Four Thousand Mondays, an initiative that emphasizes the preciousness of our time and the importance of making every day co…
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In this special Father's Day episode of the Mindful Life Changes podcast, host Valerie Mekki explores the power of affirmations to heal and find peace in complex relationships. Are you navigating challenges or changes in your relationship with your father? Do feelings of grief, anger, or resentment hold you back from experiencing joy and connection…
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Alright everybody, I thought I had a pretty solid idea of how I was going to formulate this topic into an episode...yet after editing I'm not sure that it actually adds up to a cohesive thought. Hopefully it's not a totally loss and someone gets something out of it! The point I was hoping to explore is that as humans we're not one dimensional. We'r…
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Were you raised to always take care of others, never say no, and allow yourself to feel good and worthy only when others need you? Yes, your empathy and selfless nurturing character are great character strengths. But you're also paying a high price for them, don't you? So how to do it differently? How do you still keep being a nice, caring mom, wit…
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"It's not the end result we're chasing. It's the character that we're building." In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it's easy to feel overwhelmed by endless to-do lists. But what if a simple shift could transform your life, relationships, health, and wealth? In today's podcast episode, I explore a powerful concept: the "chore mindset" ver…
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In this empowering episode of The Midlife Makeover Show, we sit down with the effervescent Kelly Chase, a woman who wears many hats: entrepreneur, social influencer, speaker, and reality TV star from Netflix's "Love is Blind." Kelly isn't just a familiar face from our screens; she's the driving force behind Goddess Magic, a coaching program that fu…
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In this episode, Martin explores a listener's thoughtful question: "How do you approach the topic of continuing care for someone who's returned after dropping out? I don’t want to come across as 'I told you so' or overly pushy. Sometimes it feels simpler to avoid the conversation altogether. Is there a more effective way?" Join Martin as he delves …
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Good Morning Listeners, Happy Wednesday! I am so happy to be back with you all , Summer is almost here! I wanted to dedicate this episode to the Emotional selfcare building block, especially as we are so close to summer and you're around family and friends and still balancing responsibilities, that could lead to pressure and or stress, maybe even a…
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As the seasoned host of the successful Get Psyched podcast my guest this week, fellow therapist Lindsey Locke, has a lot to say about working towards a healthy lifestyle. In fact, she has worked extensively as a fitness coach which is actually how I came to find out about her as she previously worked at a substance abuse recovery center. This focus…
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Hey Friend! When you hear the word discipline and food in the same sentence do you feel shame? Do you feel like perseverance is not even a consideration when it comes to your health? Do you feel discouraged and stifled in being able to stay the course when things get challenging? Today we are looking at the example of Jesus and what we can glean fr…
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Are you a woman over 50 who feels isolated as an entrepreneur? In this episode, Marta Goertzen explains why being part of the right mastermind community is so important, especially for female entrepreneurs in a transitional phase of business. Marta shares 5 key reasons why joining a curated mastermind can be a game-changer: 1) It combats the "dream…
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