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show episodes
Feel Better. Live Free. with Ruth Soukup is the revolutionary health & wellness podcast brought to you by Thinlicious®. It's a show dedicated to helping midlife women find lasting health & sustainable weight loss by healing our bodies from the inside out, while questioning the outdated mainstream narratives surrounding health and weight loss that haven't worked. Our mission is to help you the freedom to look and feel your best. The freedom to NOT be controlled by food addictions ever again. ...
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Do It Scared® with Ruth Soukup is the podcast created to help you face your fears, overcome adversity, and create a life you LOVE. Each week you’ll discover actionable strategies for greater productivity, motivation, entrepreneurship, creativity, fulfillment, success, and happiness, along with the motivation and encouragement to actually start making real changes that lead to big results.Each week we’ll address topics that delve into those things that we are so afraid of, and how it holds us ...
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show series
There’s nothing more inspiring than hearing real people overcome real challenges to get the results they want—especially when those are getting the same results you’d like to see in your own life! That’s why in this episode we’re going deep with an amazing woman named Anita Burns who’s actually been there, and who’s finally seeing massive success a…
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Ah, hormones. It's a term that gets thrown around a lot, especially as we get older, but how often do we actually stop to think about what's really going on with our hormones, or the function they serve in our body? And as much as we make jokes about being "hormonal," how do you actually KNOW whether your hormones are out of whack? And even if you …
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I’m not gonna lie—I may be a little bit OBSESSED with gut health. In fact, I talk about it so much at home that my husband and our friends have turned it into a drinking game. And no, I’m not kidding. But I can’t help myself because it is a HUGELY important topic that is SO critical to our overall health, especially if you’re a woman over 40 who’s …
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There’s nothing more inspiring than hearing real people overcome real challenges to get the results they want—especially when those are the same results you’d like to see in your own life! That’s why in this episode we’re going deep with an amazing woman named Tammy Weiland who’s lost more than 60 pounds since first starting our —and who did it rig…
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Have you ever actually thought about how much sugar you're actually eating in a day? Like really thought about it? Because I think most of us, at least on some level, probably realize that sugar is not great. But it's also pretty easy to not really think about how much sugar you're actually consuming on a daily basis. Or what all that sugar is actu…
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Whether you're ready for it or not, summer is officially here. For those of us with kids still at home, that usually means relief from the crazy grind of the busy school year, but also a change in routine that can sometimes feel just as chaotic as that last intolerable month of school. But even if you don't have kids at home, there's something abou…
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There’s nothing more inspiring than hearing real people overcome real challenges to get the results they want–especially when those are the same results you’d like to see in your own life! That’s why in this episode we’re going deep with an amazing woman named Tammie Matthews who’s actually been there, and who’s finally seeing massive success after…
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Have you ever gone to the doctor and had them whip out their prescription pad after just a few minutes and then send you on your way? My guess is the answer is yes, because in this day and age of modern medicine, that's pretty much the normal protocol, right? And it's kind of infuriating, especially when they hardly ask any questions, nor do they e…
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Have you ever had one of those near death moments that completely changed your perspective on life? Where your life flashes before your eyes or you suddenly just wake up and realize it's time to do something different. And I realize that it doesn't always happen like in the movies, right? But those wake up calls do happen. And sometimes. They chang…
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There’s nothing more inspiring than hearing real people overcome real challenges to get the results they want–especially when those are the same results you’d like to see in your own life! That’s why in this episode we’re going deep with an amazing woman named Tiffany Thompson who’s actually been there, and who’s finally seeing massive success afte…
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Do you ever wish you could travel back in time and give yourself a little advice? I do, especially when I think about how much time and energy I wasted doing all the wrong things, or about how many mistakes I made, and how much frustration I could have avoided, had I only known THEN what I know now. And while there's a part of me that understands t…
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You are what you eat. It's one of those phrases we've all heard said a million times, and yet how often do we really think about what that actually means, especially when reaching for a bag of potato chips or that Ben & Jerry's hidden deep in your freezer? On a practical, day-to-day level, it can be hard to process the stark reality that the food w…
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Get more protein. It's a phrase we hear a lot, but not always one we're super good at following through on, even when we're trying to eat healthy. Because the reality is that the Standard American Diet most of us are used to eating is shockingly low in protein, and often even the foods we THINK are high in protein actually aren't. And that means th…
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Do you ever feel like you're doing all the right things for your health, but you're still not seeing the results you want? You're definitely not alone. And honestly, I think it's because so much of the information we've been given about what's actually healthy and what's not is just plain wrong. Because the truth is that there are a LOT of so-calle…
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If you’ve ever had a moment where you walked into a room and forgot why you were there, or you couldn’t find your car keys for the millionth time, or you just couldn’t quite remember that person’s name that you just met, then you know how frustrating it can be to feel like your brain is turning to mush. And the reality is, you’re not alone. In fact…
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If you grew up in the 80's and 90's like me, then you've probably been conditioned to believe that FAT is BAD. And honestly, I think that's a hard bias to overcome. Because for YEARS, we were told that fat was bad for us, that it clogged our arteries and made us gain weight, that it was the root cause of all of our health problems. And as a result,…
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Today is the day! After many months of blood, sweat & tears—along with a lot of collaboration with you, our Health Rebel community—I’m SO excited to finally be able to tell you that our brand new Thinlicious App is ready for you. And I’m not even kidding when I tell you this is about to become the go-to resource for any woman over 40 who is serious…
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So here's a fun fact for you: when it comes to losing weight, your body doesn't actually care about your goals. It doesn't care what size jeans you want to fit into, or what the number on the scale says, or whether or not you're finally ready to wear a bikini this summer. But your body does have a goal. And that goal, more than anything else, is to…
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There's nothing more frustrating than feeling like you're doing all the right things to lose weight and get healthy, only to see the scale just not budge. Believe me, I get it. After all, it's one thing to KNOW you're not really eating as well as you could be, or that you blew it over the weekend, or that you're just not trying all that hard. But i…
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Raise your hand if the biggest reason you haven't actually changed the way you eat is that you're afraid you'll have to give up all the food you love forever. But what if I told you that's not actually true? And what if I told you that the whole point of HEALING YOUR BODY from the inside out—the very thing I talk about over and over again on this p…
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Fair warning, friends, I’m coming in hot today, and this episode might get a little bit spicy. In fact, I seriously considered calling this episode, "Why Oprah is full of [you know what!]," but I thought that might not make it past the censors. Yep, I really just said that. I told you it was gonna be spicy! Because I don't know about you, but I rec…
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Is 40 really the new 20? Okay maybe not, but as I get ready to celebrate my 46th birthday this week, I contend that there IS definitely a whole lot of life left after 40. In fact, I think I'd even go so far as to say this is my favorite decade so far! And so in celebration of my birthday and hopefully aging gracefully, I thought today I’d share a f…
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If you’ve been listening to this podcast for any amount of time, you've probably heard me mention hormones at least once or twice (or maybe a lot more than that.) Maybe you've heard me say things like weight loss isn't really about calories, it's about hormones, and that if you really want to lose weight, you've got to stop focusing on the same old…
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What does it actually mean to be a Health Rebel? If you’ve been listening to this podcast for a little while, or if you get our weekly email newsletter, you’ve probably heard me use that term before. But have you ever wondered what it actually means? Or, more importantly, whether it actually applies to you? ARE you a Health Rebel? That’s exactly wh…
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Raise your hand if you're a box checker. And by that, I mean, raise your hand if you like to do things RIGHT. If you're going to take on something new, you don't want to take any chances that you could be getting it wrong. And if you're going to focus on losing weight, you're going to follow ALL the rules and do ALL the things. Count your calories.…
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What if I told you that the reason you've struggled to lose weight and get healthy is NOT because there's something wrong with you, or because you're over 40 and your metabolism has stopped working, or because you're weak and lack the willpower to actually make the necessary changes in your life. What if told you it was something bigger than that? …
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This announcement is 2 years in the making and it's finally here!! Get our FREE guide to finally fix your metabolism! Losing weight & getting healthy is never easy, but lately you might feel like it’s suddenly become impossible. Our Flip the Switch guide will help you clearly understand what’s been going on, as well as exactly what you can do to ge…
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It never fails. The minute you decide you’re going to start eating better or trying to lose weight, you find yourself thinking about food ALL THE TIME. It’s annoying right? Believe me, I get it. In fact when I think back to all the million and one diets that I tried before I was finally able to actually lose weight and get healthy FOR LIFE, the num…
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Did you know that happiness is actually a superpower? It's true! And not only that, but consciously cultivating happiness and joy in your life on a daily basis, especially in the midst of a world that can seem pretty dark and depressing most of the time, be truly transformative for your health, your relationships, and your overall well-being. Happy…
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Stress. For most of us, it's just a normal part of life, right? We spend a good chunk of our weeks feeling stretched to the max and overwhelmed by the sheer number of tasks still left undone on that neverending list of things to do. Half the time we're running on adrenaline and can't turn off our brain, and the other half we just want to crawl into…
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Do you ever feel like you’re just spinning your wheels when it comes to achieving your goals? Whether it's losing weight and getting healthy or some other big thing you want to do, do you ever feel like you're trying to stay motivated to make real changes in your life, but it's so hard to keep going when you don't see results right away, or you're …
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Did you know, statistically, that three weeks into January—so basically, right about now—is when most people fall off the wagon with their New Year's Resolutions? That means that if you have already found yourself getting off track, then at least know that you're in good company. But that DOESN'T mean it's time to give up. Instead, this is the perf…
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You know that feeling when you're trying to eat healthy and you're totally crushing it...and then out of nowhere, you're hit with this irresistible CRAVING for something sweet? And suddenly, it's ALL you can think about—that donut you saw in the break room, or the pint of ice cream in your freezer, or the leftover halloween candy you hid from your …
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Let's be real for a minute, shall we? The cost of food these days is downright INSANE. And that's scary for all of us, but it's ESPECIALLY frustrating when you're wanting to commit to a healthier lifestyle but it honestly feels like you might have to take out a 2nd mortgage just to afford your grocery bill. Is there really a way to eat healthy AND …
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The New Year is finally here, and with it, likely all sorts of thoughts about what you'd like to accomplish in the coming months, and how you're going to get your life—and your health—back on track this year. And while you might have some big goals and resolutions in mind, the reality is that ASPIRATIONS without an actual plan aren't going to get y…
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Merry Christmas Health Rebels! And whether you're actually taking a break from the festivities to listen to this episode today, or you're just catching up and now starting to think about the New Year and what it means for your health journey, I thought today was the PERFECT DAY to chat about making a fresh start. Because I don't know about you, but…
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Do you ever feel like you're just not in control of your own eating habits? Like no matter how much you want to eat healthier or get serious about losing weight, there's always something that's holding you back? And maybe that something isn't even logical or rational, but it's something that feels so much bigger and stronger than you that it's lite…
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Do you ever feel like you're addicted to certain foods? Like no matter how hard you try to avoid them, you just can't seem to resist their call? You're not alone. In fact, food addiction is a real thing, and it's something that the food industry actually COUNTS on to keep you coming back for more. In fact—believe it or not—they're ACTIVELY working …
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Ever feel like you're just tired ALL THE TIME? You spend your days chronically exhausted, and yet when it comes time for sleep, you never quite feel fully rested. It's frustrating right? Especially because high quality sleep is VITAL to good health—to repairing your cells and regulating your metabolism. Unfortunately poor sleep is a more common pro…
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Did you know that there are 3 little words that could be holding you back from reaching your weight loss goals? In fact, these three words are SO dangerous that they can actually be the difference between success and failure in any area of your life. And in this episode, we're going to talk about what those three words are, and what to say instead.…
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There's no other way to say it—mindset is everything. And yet, when it comes to getting healthy or reaching your weight loss goals, we too often just try to focus on the PHYSICAL stuff right—eating the right foods, getting enough exercise, cutting the calories and tracking our steps and drinking alllllll the water. And then we wonder why so often, …
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The holiday season is upon us, and whether it's those irresistible Peppermint Mochas at Starbucks or the endless piles of Christmas cookies or the mashed potatoes, stuffing and pumpkin pie at Thanksgiving dinner, it's hard to get very far without thinking about food, right? And yet, the thought of heading into January with an extra 10 or 15 pounds …
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Ever wish someone would just hand you a plan for whatever it is you want to accomplish so that you knew EXACTLY what steps to take? Whether it's losing weight and getting healthy, or figuring out how to organize your life, starting a brand new business, or changing the trajectory of your career, there are SO many times in life where it's really GOO…
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Is the life you're living right now the life you actually want? It's not a question we always dare to ask ourselves, because quite frankly....we might not like the answer. And yet, every now and then, I think it's important to step back and look at the bigger picture and get honest with ourselves about where we're at right now.....and where we want…
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Here’s a truth bomb for you: Diets Don't Work. And I think deep down, most of us know that because our experience has shown that to be true over and over again. And yet we keep trying. The average woman has been on 8 diets just in the past YEAR. And every time we fail, thinking we're the problem, we feel a little bit worse about ourselves. Frankly …
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I don't know about you, but in my world it seems like almost everyone I know has gotten sick lately—including me! And honestly, there's nothing more frustrating when you feel like you're plugging away and getting things done to all of the sudden be sidelined by a nasty cold or the flu. And so today, I thought we could could talk about some practica…
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It is currently estimated that over 30 million Americans have some form of thyroid disease, and that as many as 10% of women over 40 have a condition known as hypothyroidism, which causes fatigue and weight gain, among other things. And that means that if you’re a woman over 40 who has been struggling to lose weight, there’s a strong possibility yo…
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I want to get healthy, but it's too hard to do it all on my own. So HOW do I get my spouse on board? It's a question I hear a lot, and honestly--it's an important one, because the reality is that anything in a relationship is easier when you're both on the same page and working towards a common goal. And losing weight and getting healthy is a BIG g…
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All bodies are beautiful, right? At least that's what we've been told. And over the past few years, this body positivity and anti-fat shaming movement has practically taken on a life of its own, to the point where questioning it, or--God forbid--daring to point out that it's healthier to be thin could even put you at risk of being canceled. And whi…
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While a lot of the content we share here on the Ditch the Carbs podcast is intended for anyone who’s just getting started with a low carb lifestyle–or maybe even just thinking about getting started–every once in a while I think it’s kinda fun to focus on those of you who have maybe been doing this for a little while now, and are ready to level up j…
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