show episodes
Life coach, mountaineer, and ultra runner Sarah Maurer shares her best endurance training strategies to help you climb your mountain or run your race — in any body at any age. Listen and learn how to eat, train, think, and above all live like a mountain athlete. Each week, Sarah will teach you practical strategies to overcome self-doubt, deal with training setbacks, save time, and stay happy and healthy through the long training season. Sarah earned her high altitude mountaineering certifica ...
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show series
Is there such a thing as a life coaching cult? Yes, but they're exceedingly rare. Notable examples: Lighthouse (see the BBC podcast series "A Very British Cult" and arguably Scientology). Yes, your girly loves a good cult documentary. 🤣 So rest assured, if you sign up for help to stop yelling at your kids, it's extremely unlikely you'll end up livi…
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What's wrong with advice? Everyone wants advice, right? (Especially great advice yours!) Here's the thing. We're all conditioned to give and receive advice. You can't post about your cat's teeth-grinding without getting a million helpful suggestions — everything from supplements to surgery to GET HIM TO THE VET IMMEDIATELY BEFORE HE DIEZ. But repea…
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"All I do is give ... and no one cares." "I'm drowning under the weight of my obligations." "I'm surrounded by takers who drain me." "I'm sick of being the strong one who's there for everyone else." 😡 ^ If you've ever had thoughts like these, you're not alone. The issue of support (and lack thereof) comes up so often in life coaching. If you're fee…
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Can we just all agree that exercise (the actual doing of it) is wicked uncomfortable? This is doubly true if you've been away for awhile living life and are now coming back to fitness. "I can't WAIT to get on the treadmill and start huffing and sweating and feeling like I'm charging through a wall of jello." ^ Said no human ever. 🤣 When exercise fe…
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You've cleaned up your schedule. You've prioritized your life. You're saying no to friends and invitations that exhaust you. You've scheduled more time to relax. You got to bed on time. So why are you still so damn tired? Here's the thing. Rest isn't just a about taking a bubble bath or getting more sleep. Your body can be still. But if your mind i…
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Tired of waiting for you bestie to get her shit together and go to Paris with you? Would you give your left arm to get your partner off the couch and onto a romantic island? Friend, if your soul is longing to travel — and you've been putting it off because no one will go with you — this week's podcast episode is for you. This week, we're diving int…
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When we believe a thought like "I'm not enough," we will see evidence of our not-enoughness EVERYWHERE. And that's NOT because it's true. It's because your brain will always show you more evidence of what you already believe. (Look at your MAGA Uncle Ted if you need further proof!) What if you could make this confirmation bias work in your favor? W…
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Does the whole concept of goal setting make you want to puke? Are you tired to chasing your dreams, only to fizzle and fade when life inevitably gets in the way? Would you rather eat broken glass than ever set another SMART goal? Well friend, it's time for you to throw away all the crap you learned from personal development gurus, break all the rul…
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Learning a new skill? A new job? How about a new language? Did you dive in with enthusiasm — only to find yourself in a world of discomfort? The hard truth is, growth is a messy process. And there's often an extended "river of misery" you must wade through on your way to mastery. But the only alternative is to return to the bank you came from — and…
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Are there people in your life who are hard to say no to? Maybe they're going through a tough time, and you hate to "make it worse" by disappointing them. Maybe they have a huge emotional reaction any time you try to set boundaries. Or maybe standing your ground with them fills you with guilt. If you're in any of these situations, today's podcast ep…
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I am celebrating my first $5000 month in my business by sharing ... All the mistakes I made on the way here, so you can avoid them! I know so many of you are interested in creating side hustles (or already jumping in!) And if you avoid these seven pitfalls, I guarantee it will save you a lot of angst and help you get to profitability faster. And ev…
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Any time you declare a big goal — dating, climbing a mountain, having a baby, starting a business, finding a job — here's my advice for you: Prepare to be expanded! As in: stretched, squashed, kneaded, rising, falling, and every other uncomfortable transformation you can imagine. Wouldn't it be nice if the universe made it easy by rolling out a red…
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"The cosmos isn't going to deliver a new car; it's busy." — Valerie Frankel Is there a way to attract what you want ... without devolving into a toxic positivity monster who pretends to be "high vibes only" every damn second? Can you manifest your your desires while still being a human with human feelings and experiences? Can you embody that positi…
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This episode is a bit of a departure from our normal subject matter. But I am getting SO many questions about moving overseas lately! (I think it's the election.) For those of you who are new to my world, I studied, volunteered, and worked abroad for seven years. (Mostly in Asia.) So I am a good bestie to have if you are considering moving abroad! …
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Do you ever get triggered by other people? Duh, it's like asking, do you breathe air? 😂 Often we want to push away or put down people who trigger us. When actually they can be our greatest teachers. They are mirrors who can show us what we're not fully loving and integrating about ourselves. They can shine light on the parts of us that still need h…
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This feels wicked vulnerable to share, but here it is ... I've been going through a pretty dark burnout in December. One that had me close to quitting my business altogether. One where it is really hard to create, express, or connect to my natural joy. I hesitated to share this, because it seems like as a coach who specializes in nervous system hea…
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Hey friends! Enjoy some highlights from my free 5-Day Self-Healing Challenge (aka Soul Surf Camp). In this lesson, I talk about how to change your memories. Which if you're haunted by a moment in your past is a useful thing to be able to do! I should clarify: we're not actually changing the memory itself. We're just changing the emotion around it. …
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You might be drawn toward "magical" practices like breathwork, plant medicine, hypnosis, and energy healing believing they will get you there faster. (And to a large degree, you're right!) But sometimes trying too hard to have a breakthrough ... Can actually repel the magic and push it away. And often when you release the need for a breakthrough, t…
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"You've gained a few pounds since last year!" "You're not married yet?" "Why can't you be quiet and sweet like your sister?" "Are you really going to have another drink?" "Of course we invited your ex. He's still family. We don't have to ask you." "Have you heard about our lord and savior Jesus Christ?" Welcome to the judgy-est time of the year! If…
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"The universe hates me." This was my conclusion when unexpected expenses kept smacking me in the face all through October. There was the appliance repair company ripping me off. The Assisted Living facility making a billing error — and then correcting it by pulling $13,000 out of my account with no warning. The Home Health company deciding out of n…
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Are you feeling unappreciated at work? Longing for the freedom to set your own schedule? Or are you a coach who feels pressure to go full time so you can be a "serious" entrepreneur? If you answered any of the above, this episode is for you! Today, I'm going to walk through exactly how and when to quit your job. Spoiler alert: if you're desperate t…
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If everything in your life is going wrong or sideways at once, you might be experiencing ... THE CRUMBLING. It can hurt like hell. It might feel like a personal attack from the universe — or even a spiritual death. But I want you to know that THE CRUMBLING really is here for your growth and expansion. When you're preparing to move to a new level, e…
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My mom will tell you I was an easy, sunny, sweet baby. What she really means: I never expressed any needs that were inconvenient, embarrassing, or made demands on others. And if I'm honest, it took me into my 40s to really start taking my own needs seriously. (Better late than never!) Being direct, setting boundaries, and telling people what I need…
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I totally wish that instead of trigonometry and other worthless stuff, my high school had offered classes like self leadership, emotional regulation, and especially ... stress management. As a coach, I see a lot of stress. And here's the truth: most people feel helpless against it. We experience too much too fast. We have a lot of traumas (big and …
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Common perfectionist beliefs (raise your hand if you can relate): I can't feel good unless I'm doing good People only value me when I am near perfect A mistake means I didn’t try hard enough If you were like "hells yeah!" to any of the above, this week's episode is for you. I'm going to share a rule a little about my own journey with perfectionism.…
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A few years ago, I took a 90-day break from alcohol that changed my life. You know what was the hardest part? The social events! I was dating, so that felt super terrifying and vulnerable. I traveled and stayed with family for a few days, which is always kind of stressful. (Not because they aren't lovely, but because my nervous system gets really j…
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I've barely got words for what a fucking year it's been. Long covid has been a wild ride. A shamanic initiation. A cracking open. A curriculum for my expansion. A burning down of everything that was out of alignment or in wrong relationship. In this week's episode, I pull back the curtain and get juicy and vulnerable about: The ups and downs of thi…
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Do you ever say cringeworthy things out loud? Make the wrong decision? Hurt people and regret it later? If so, this episode is for you! We live in a society where it isn't easy to make mistakes. There's a lot of judgement and blame flying around — not all of it justified. It can make it hard to be a human who's evolving in real time — whether as a …
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Everything ends. Jobs. Relationships. Chapters of your life. Even versions of YOU end. And new ones come online. Sometimes change can feel amazing. (Let's burn away the old and make space for the new!) And sometimes change is upsetting and destabilizing. You might wonder if it means you're doing life wrong. Society like to mess with our heads by ho…
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Setting healthy boundaries is one of the best ways to practice energetic sovereignty and manage your nervous system. So in this week’s podcast episode, I'm going to talk you through ... 🌟 What actually are boundaries? 🌟 When is it appropriate to set a boundary? 🌟 An exact script you can use to set that boundary. 🌟 Tips on holding a boundary. 🌟 How …
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Have you ever caught yourself thinking: I need to know the right answer The more information I have, the better I must never waste time or money with the wrong decision Other people know better than me Then you might be suffering from analysis paralysis! We humans often use overthinking to keep ourselves safe. And in prehistoric times, it probably …
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If you're anything like me, you're always searching for the right answer to every question. Like when I wanted to run an ultramarathon, I not only read a book and scoured every website I could find for training advice. I actually got certified as an ultramarathon coach to make sure I was doing it PERFECT. #queenofoverdoingit But you know who a lot …
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We all have this romantic idea that when we most need support, our friends will lean in. And sometimes they do. But very often, they don't. It's pretty common for people experiencing grief and loss to find themselves alone, forgotten, or misunderstood when they need community most. Even intimate partnerships get impacted. It's more common for a mar…
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Whenever we're chasing a goal or working to solve a problem, our brain likes to go straight to action. We are little planning machines. Which kinda works. But not really. Because too often, when we focus on action, we're actually solving the wrong problem. What works better? Starting on the inside. Looking at who we'd be when we have what we really…
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A manifestation portal? What the cheese balls is that? And why should you care if you’re not a whacky, woo woo, green-juice slurping, crystal farming hippie? 😂 Bestie, I promise. Manifestation is for everyone. And no, you don’t have to be a toxic positivity monster to benefit and enjoy. To help you understand manifestation and how it works, I made …
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About a year into my personal growth journey, I was convinced I was fucking it up. Why? Because I wasn't having any massive breakthroughs. 🔥 I wasn't making six figures in my business while sitting on a beach with my laptop. 🔥 I wasn't engaged to the love of my life. 🔥 I didn't have a perfect, healthy body with a six pack. (Do 47 year-olds even hav…
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Hypnosis. Trance. The unconscious. To some people, these are spooky concepts! But to me, they are some of the most healing words in the English language. And it's time to pull back the curtain. In today's episode, I'm going to spill the beans on all things hypnosis. What it is ... and isn't. How it works, and what modern neuroscience research tells…
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I know we've all been beaten over the head with the need to sleep more. And I can tell you as a coach and personal trainer that SOME OF IT IS HYPE. However, a good night's sleep has many benefits: Cleanses your brain of neurotoxins Promotes neuroplasticity, change, and emotional shifts Regulates your hormones and metabolism (can even help you lose …
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Is it toxic to badmouth positivity? Maybe. But if you know me, I like to stir the pot a little. Also, as part of the coaching and personal development industry, I feel a duty to call out harmful practices. That way, potential clients can recognize them, avoid them, and self-innoculate for those moments when they show up out of nowhere. (Yes, even w…
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"You need to feel it in order to heal it." But do you really Becky? Or is that just something all the personal development people say? As a somatic practitioner and hypnotist who teaches people how to regulate emotions (often to the point where you can't feel them at all), I get a lot of questions about this. Shouldn't we be feeling our emotions in…
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Have you ever healed something, and it stayed healed for months or years — only to pop back up at the worst possible time? Welcome to my week. 😂 The good news is that "repeats" don't mean you've failed or that you're moving in the wrong direction. Actually, they can be a powerful sign that you're moving in the right direction. And now you're being …
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So I thought I had totally conquered by my driving anxiety. But this week, out of nowhere, it came back. I was just minding my own business, driving down the highway. And hit me like a big wave. At first, I was like, WTAF. I thought I fixed this shit! There was also that feeling of: I teach other people how to work through fear, so this is totally …
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Feeling overwhelmed and exhausted with the pace of modern life? Following a low information diet may help. You're constantly bombarded by information from TV, social media, podcasts, and the web. It's more information than you can possibly integrate. But your brain still tries, which uses up mental energy and makes it hard to focus. Looking away fr…
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Today's episode is a little more personal. It's all about the work I've been doing on my relationship with my body. I'll share some of the ways I've been in wrong relationship with my body in the past, and how developing a chronic illness was a wake-up call to do things differently. I'll also share how self-hypnosis has helped me in this journey an…
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Talking Laughing Emotions Expression Loud Laughing Swearing Speaking truth Putting yourself first Being sensual or sexual Being smart/knowing stuff Asking questions ^ Just a few of the ways we can feel like we're being "too much." If you've worried that you're too much (or been told it to your face), this week's podcast episode is for you. We'll ta…
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Do you spend your whole life rushing from task to task, never taking time to fully live? I feel you, bestie. I used to get to the end of each day of grinding only to see the to-do list half completed and feel existential despair. What helped? In a word, ceremony! No, I'm not going to make you lick toads or talk to chakras or channel your star ances…
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