show episodes

Rebel Health Radio

Patricia Worby, PhD

New revolutionary health ideas that will blow your mind: books and resources reviewed and discussed for you so you can inform yourself to make better choices in healthcare. From biofield resonance to the microbiome and beyond, if it exists to help us heal ourselves, I'm there! With interviews with like minded health-seekers, book reviews, discussions and Q&A sessions to find out more about this new, expanding medicine coming on-stream now that blows out of the water the old model of medicine ...
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Hope Remains

Lori Boarman

Lori lost her son Logan when he took his life in December of 2017. As her life and the way she knew it was altered forever, she used writing and social media as a way to process her grief. By doing so, she began creating awareness for suicide and mental health, which fulfilled a new purpose and encouraged her to continue. This book is a synopsis of her posts, a journal-like account of the struggles faced by Lori and her family through the aftermath of the "What Ifs" and the things they found ...
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Guests from around the globe discuss the mental, physical, and emotional health of your world. Challenge yourself to consciously consider how your mind meets your physical, emotional, relational, spiritual, and social body. Host, Kristen McAdams, uses her 20 years of experience in the field of psychology to take on a broad range of challenging topics as they relate to your mental health. Hear professional topics, delivered in a relatable fashion, as a wide variety of coaches, counselors, com ...
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Hello, welcome to the Future of You podcast. Here we’re going to investigate and analyse all the ways emerging technologies are going to affect our identity. We used to argue about whether personal identity was in the mind or in the body; but now that psychology of the self and the biology of self has been joined by a third dimension - the technology of the self. In a digital, data-driven world, Facebook gets a say in verifying who we are, medical science can alter our genetic make-up, and A ...
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show series
Explore with me the multi-dimensional nature of complex chronic exhaustive conditions and how you can heal. See also Raelan Agle's fabulous channel @RaelanAgle and The @crappychildhoodfairy 00:00 intro and importance of the mind in Recovery - which can and does happen! 02:12 CFS/ME is not a diagnosis but a description - there are no biomarkers for …
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Here I review the understanding put forward in the book The Divided Mind by Dr John Sarno as long ago as 2006. Doctor Sarno was one of the first medical doctors to embrace the idea of psychosomatic medicine which he dubbed mind body disorder to avoid the negative connotation that psychosomatic was all in your head. We now find many common condition…
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Talking about pain from a mindbody perspective and how to heal. 00:00 Intro and why I'm talking about pain today 01:30 how to treat acute pain relating to tissue damage and shock (held in the body) 05:20 acute vs. chronic pain - pain that doesn't resolve itself after 3 months - neuropathic or 'brain pain' is especially difficult to resolve as the s…
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Recovery from chronic disease or conditions is not about fixing the problem. How the experience of Craig McKinley's sepsis and the work of Dr Rangan Chatterjee, Nicola Singleton and John Campbell has informed my work. Here's the interview with Nicola and Dr Chatterjee where she talks of what she discovered from working with him and how she got well…
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My reaction to the death of TV presenter and doctor Michael Mosley was one of deep sorrow and shock despite not knowing him personally. I was stunned by the unnecessary loss but also realising I was reacting to an event that happened to me 40 years ago!! Find out how here. 00:00 Nature of Trauma - shock trauma of loss e.g. the tragic death of Micha…
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My commentary on the insight and understanding of healing ME/CFS as a spiritual disconnect that nevertheless has physical consequences. I draw on an interview between Jenny Lynn and Raelan Agle as well as my own experience as a therapist for over 15 years. See that here 00:00 Intro 00:56 CFS/ME is a disco…
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Why is this groundbreaking book so important? Here's my view... 00:00 Intro and Dr Mate's background 02:00 A leading light in emotional trauma awareness- and his personal experience of childhood trauma 03:44 Synopsis of chapters and the general direction of the book - disconnect from the self, attachment wounding, trauma is not always what we got b…
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My commentary on the lecture given by Iain McGilchrist yesterday to McGill University. for the original lecture go here 00:00 Intro to what's the matter with medicine in a left-brain world of disconnect - toxic world vs. 01:55 The importance of attention as a form of love 03:00 The doctor patient relation…
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I've become aware that vulnerability is key to true creativity - you cannot create something new without risk. Find out how I've discovered this in my own life and work - with the help of some others who've explored this - Brene Brown, Gabor Mate and King Charles!! 00:00 Intro to Vulnerability is the key to Creativity - work of Brene Brown 01:00 My…
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In this commentary on the words of Esther Perel and researcher Brene Brown I delve into how AI is creating a mental health crisis. Not Artificial intelligence but Artificial Intimacy!! Intimacy and Connection are crucial to healthy human expression but our relationships are being co-opted and distorted by social media. Find out how to build connect…
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Men and women - the difference in how stress operates and how it manifests. And why men are less likely to admit they need help See this article for more details on gender differences in neurobiology 00:00 The stress response in men and women are different - physiological differences in brain org…
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Find out how to transform past experiences so that you can move forward in life without sabotaging yourself. An update on my microdosing months 3 after 1 month off Also how I've noticed EMDR works similarly to psychedelics. For the start of my microdosing journey go here Find the talk with Jude Currivan and Pam Gregory …
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My commentary on the lecture given by Iain McGilchrist yesterday to McGill University. for the original lecture go here 00:00 Iain is a unique voice in that he marries the humanities (philosophy) and science (medicine) which gives him a broad view of the world. 02:10 Writing my current book Mind Medicine …
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Lessons from the life and untimely death of Amy Winehouse after watching the movie Back to Black and also reading The Myth of Normal by Gabor Mate. How nervous system dysregulation plays out in the life and how it inevitably takes its toll as we seek to calm our nervous system in any way we can. Luckily with support and proper tools it IS possible …
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In this audio I describe this ground-breaking information on how to heal with psychedelics from the book How to Change your Mind: The New Science of Psychedelics by Michael Pollan. The article I mention By Robin Carhart-Harris on The Entropic Brain on psychedelics is here 00:00 Intr…
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Psychotherapist Virginia Satir (1916 - 1988) remains one of the most influential family therapists there have ever been but she is virtually unknown now outside of psychology. She taught the importance of feelings over thoughts and blew the current understanding and practice out the water with her emphasis on safe emotional connection and the reaso…
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Anxiety is not a disease in the sense that doctors describe. It is a message from the body that something in your environment feels unsafe. For original article I'm commenting on go here. 00:00 Intro - everyday trauma impacts the mind to create a sense of unsafety which can be easily…
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A new 'Magic Bullet' that few people know about (including your doctor!) ... The importance of Methylene Blue and how it might transform human health particularly in areas of low oxygen delivery (fatigue states, depression and neurological damage). Check out the original recording with Dr Gonalez-Lima on…
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Healing needs the body AND the mind to be engaged with a multifactorial approach. Modern medicine ignores this and concentrates on a single solution which often creates unwanted side effects. Using a biospsychosocial approach makes much more sense. Find out how to take back control of your health. Includes updates on Methylene Blue and Hormone Harm…
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In this update into week 4 of my journey I notice not only the sensory changes but also perceptive ones. Feeling part of something bigger.... find out how it's affected me and what I'm learning as part of this journey. Week 4 of psilocybin microdosing. 00:00 Intro to microdosing 01:00 Awareness of our imminent planetary extinction but with hope for…
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In this update into week 6 of my psilocybin microdosing journey I notice how I am revisiting lessons from the past, investigating A Course in Miracles (doing the workbook) and changing my practice to be more empathic. As part of my learning I am researching mushrooms and their uses. I refer you to the excellent film on the subject Fantastic Fungi. …
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I describe the ongoing surprising revelations in this week 8 video from a holistic therapeutic perspective. Coming to a break point it's time to assimilate the learning. Some surprising conclusions in this healing journey of a middle-aged psychonaut.. Stamets stack protocol with niacin (vitamin B3) and Lion's Mane Named after Paul Stamets. See this…
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Update on week 2 in the microdosing experiment with psilocybin PLUS a discussion of 'The Psychological Drivers of the Metacrisis' with Iain McGilchrist, Daniel Schmachtenberger and John Vervaeke. In this video I discuss my changing experiential awareness when on microdoses of psyilocybin and how it enhances productivity. As part of my ongoing journ…
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Here i am reviewing and interpreting the book The Road to Character by David Brooks. How we find meaning and authentic expression in life is not through avoiding suffering but how we deal with our subsequent demise. Whether through illness or other struggles we all need eachother to help pick ourselves up and make the world a better place. 00:00 In…
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My journey with microdosing and how therapeutic doses help heal our relationship with ourselves and Nature. Please note to date drug laws prevent me talking about sourcing. See Paul's 2023 update on his 2009 talk here If you'd like to start with the original go here…
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How empaths (highly sensitive people) become people pleasers who fail to get their emotional needs met. The roots lie in childhood attachment. How you can change this pattern. 00:00 Intro and why most of my clients are empaths/ HSPs 01:46 Trauma is difficult to process in childhood - and needs a grounded parent to allow emotions 02:50 Beliefs drive…
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Here I look at Birth Trauma and how it affects everyone (not just women who give birth!). Birth is the single most important event in everyone's life and how it happens determines the quality of our lives - especially in the area of health and wellbeing. It shapes the understanding of ourselves and our relationship with others. If it is traumatic i…
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Bringing back the soul into medicine - how modern medicine has lost its soul and creates all sorts of negative results which are bankrupting the healthcare profession both monetarily and in terms of doctor's purpose and meaning. But plant medicine offers a way to bring that back and may yet overturn the current biomedical machine to create true hea…
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In this follow up to my review of the classic book The Genie in your Genes by Dawson Church, I describe the innovations in energetic medicine interventions. the last 6 chapters of the book cover comprehensively a new approach to healing outside the conventional medical paradigm and propose new solutions which are less expensive and more fundamental…
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In this first part of my Book Review I look at 'The Genie in your Genes' by Dawson Church, PhD. I look at how ground-breaking this book was (2007, rev 2009) and how it was so far ahead of its time in teaching us about how your environment (the thoughts you think, the emotions you feel - or don't allow yourself to feel) all get buried in your body c…
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I talk about how Empaths at the extreme end of high sensitivity may have the gift of clairvoyance. Whether you think it's a scam or not, there are examples of people who do this for a living and also help the police (unofficially) to solve murders. I use the example of famous medium Nicky Alen whose family have had extraordinary abilities. How does…
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Practitioner Ashley Carmen is pioneering a seriously important path in the mental health industry. She created a community called The Psychedelic Guide Network (named has been updated since the recording of this episode), a place where mental health practitioners, healers, and helpers can tune into some much needed wisdom and guidance on the topic …
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In the age of AI is proof of personhood more important than anonymity? In this episode of The Discussion I speak with Steven Boykey Sidley about cryptography, identity and ownership in the digital world. We discuss privacy, anonymity and personhood in the digital age and the importance of crypto regulation, touching on the debate around central ban…
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How is the digital age affecting our identity? In this episode I explore the impact technology and social media are having on how we express ourselves and connect with others. Initially given as a presentation on identity, I talk about the fluidity of identity and our shift in awareness from the “authentic self” to the “complex self”. I also think …
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Increasingly we’re using facial recognition to do everything from unlock our phone to make payments. But what might the long-term impact of giving away our facial data be? In this episode I talk to New York Times technology reporter and author of “Your Face Belongs To Us”, Kashmir Hill. We talk about the impact of facial recognition technology, the…
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Dominique D'Vita is a Trauma-Informed Master Coach, Certified Tantra Educator, and Registered Nurse who teaches the healing power of love and healthy sexual energy. Her workshops, virtual coaching, and video tutorials guide clients toward complete and total sexual fulfillment. Kristen and Dominique discuss messages about original experiences of "th…
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In this podcast I talk about attachment wounding (failure of bonding with caregivers) and why and how it shortens your life, as we saw last week with singer Sinead O'Connor dying in her late 50s. This may happen for many different reasons: birth trauma, having a mum who is herself traumatised or with post-natal depression or being separated shortly…
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In this podcast - one of the most important I've ever recorded - I discuss the difference in the conventional medical approach and the more complementary/holistic view to health and healing 00:00 - Intro to the New Biology in healthcare 01:00 - body as a machine v.s a holistic systems view of mindbody on a spectrum of health 03:00 - disease is rand…
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In this book review of Notes on a Nervous Planet by Matt Haig, I take you through what I learned of Matt's battle with anxiety and panic attacks and my view of his advice. This is an easy accessible book which I highly recommend. I covered many of the topics included in my latest book The Highly Sensitive Handbook just out now.…
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In this podcast I cover the latest research that links imbalance in the ventral vagus nerve (innervation of the head and neck) with chronic inflammation throughout the body. We know that most disease has inflammation at its core - anxiety, depression, arthritis, heart disease, and even auto-immunity are all linked to the imbalance of this important…
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In this podcast I talk about the recent publication of my book The Highly Sensitive Handbook - How Sensory Processing Sensitivity & Childhood Trauma Hijacks Your Health, I go through the information in the book and why it's a must buy for ANYONE who thinks they may be highly sensitive or lives with one! This is NOT another highly sensitive person b…
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In this conversation with former Division 1 diver and now Integrative Sports Nutritionist Drew Mulvey, we look at how her past experiences of bullying and over-training affected her view of herself to create disordered eating resulting in burnout and a series of health diagnoses that left her feeling like she was completely outside the bell curve o…
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In this podcast I discuss 'verbal inflammation in public discourse' - a term coined by Zach Bush which I loved. It is especially prevalent on social media where many people are completely anonymous or under pseudonyms. This type of inflammation gets its name from the effect of having an injury to the body and the redness and heat that follows - but…
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The Tyranny of Thinking - How Overthinking Exacerbates Symptoms in Chronic Illness. The thinking (cognitive) parts of our brain are extraordinary problem solvers but what happens when the thinking is part of the problem? In this podcast as part of my weekly updates on matters related to Emotional Health and Healing, I discuss The Tyranny of Thinkin…
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In this presentation as part of my community group sessions each month (join in here), I talk about the importance of the Cell Danger Response and why it is so key as to how people get stuck in chronic disease states. Based on the work of Robert Naviaux which you can access here or a simplified article with the diagrams…
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#SwarmIntelligence #Avatars #MotionPrints This week I’m talking to Louis Rosenberg, CEO and chief scientist of Unanimous AI and the chief scientist of the Responsible Metaverse Alliance. We discuss the impact of conversational AI on our everyday interactions and whether marketing will be morphing into manipulation as virtual salespeople become a re…
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Interactive experiences like Roblox are giving children the chance to explore their identity like never before. In this episode I speak with kids media consultant Jo Redfern about the intricacies of Gen Z’s digital identity, self-expression, and the power children have in the 21st century to shape their virtual personas. We discuss the new Barbie m…
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Will brands have their own wallets for customers? Will customers have their own wallets that they give brands access to? How will digital wallets reshape the data we store? And what’s the difference between personal and personalised wallets? In this episode of The Briefing I discuss all of this and more with Jamie Smith, founder of Customer Futures…
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Mike Bledsoe is a Human Pattern Interrupter, Podcaster, Investor, Health Maximalist, and Dean at the School for the Living. He joins Kristen McAdams to discuss the topic of Integral Psychology. Learn how Mike's experience growing up home-schooled and learning from adults translated into a fierce curiosity for knowledge around the human condition. H…
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In this episode of The Discussion I speak to Andrew Bud, Founder and CEO of iProov, the world leader in biometric face verification. We discuss the importance of keeping ahead of security in biometrics, the advantages of face biometrics over the iris or palm - and what he thinks about the future of anonymity. I also speak with Bronwyn Williams, a f…
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