show episodes
The podcast about becoming Limitless in real life. While technically a "self-help" podcast, it packs a punch with biohacking strategies for boosting your neurotransmitters, ninja lifehacks, edifying philosophical deep-dives, and sociopathic tactics to dominate (ethically!) Start with this podcast episode: Introducing Myself, My Story and My Values 🎙️ The MOST POPULAR Limitless Mindset Podcast Remasteredhttps:// ...
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show series
This is an "infoceutical imprinter" by Infopathy - it uses electromagnetism and a trippy flashing light to "download" into water almost ANY drug, pharmaceutical, or supplement. It teases the possibility of decentralizing and open-sourcing both the pharmaceutical and supplement industry. After using Infopathy daily for about a month; I can report th…
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This book is less anti-religious than you might guess from its title. It's really about meditation practice which is the solution to spirituality without religion. I suspect many religious people could read this book and will be better religious people for it. On the other side of the spectrum, some strictly atheistic people may not even consider r…
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The new Anakainōsis program presents a unique opportunity, for you and I to do a bunch of cool Biohacking stuff together in person (at your location OR in Europe where I live). This program, which for you will be a transformation that authors a legacy that echoes in eternity, begins with four deep-dive discovery conversations. These conversations …
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Modafinil is very popular, it's become synonymous with NZT-48, the Limitless drug, Modafinil and I go back. Way back. I've used Modafinil well over a hundred times, I've used every type of Modafinil. You name it - Armodafinil, Artvigil, Adrafinil, Modalert - I've metabolized it! While Modafinil holds a special place in my heart, it's problematic. A…
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I always enjoy getting a new computer with excess RAM, no lag, and no bloatware. To make a bad analogy: these brain foods will upgrade your brain so that it’s just as snappy as a new computer. Just like sleep flushes the brain of toxins, some foods seem to reverse brain aging. Colorful foods, like blueberries, are particularly antioxidant-rich. Let…
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This is a dense science book (+900 scientific footnotes) that thoroughly validates the concerns of the health-conscious about food toxicity. If you think that alarm over toxins in food (and a lot of other things we consume) is mere scaremongering you may want to read this book as it thoroughly documents this catastrophic problem that we each face p…
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In this podcast, I peruse the FAQ section of to address whatever questions you might have about this peerless 6-month program that authors a legacy that echoes in eternity. Everything about the Anakainōsis program and book can be found here 🔗 Apply for the program ⏩ Confused? If y…
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No Fap for men is an unbeatable Biohack for motivation, energy, aggression, and improving overall mood. After about 2-3 weeks of No Fapping, your horniness will subside a little but your motivation will not. No FAP is one of my top-secret weapons for a limitless lifestyle and having the motivation to do everything I want. But you might be wondering…
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Tis' the season to raise our glasses with friends and family! The good news is that the resulting hangovers can be hacked. Many biohackers choose to abstain from spirits all together but especially during the holidays, they are missing out on a lot of good times, unforgettable memories, and festive fellowship with their loved ones. This article wil…
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To watch this as a video Download it and play it from the Downloads section in the Castbox app on your device. I've received innumerable emails and communicated with a spectrum of people suffering silently from what is quite likely the most insidious mental health challenge of our time; social anxiety. Which is something I too have struggled with. …
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Personal genotyping is a Biohacking gamechanger. It gives you an ocean of actionable data about yourself - what kind of diet is ideal for you, how much coffee you should be drinking, how much Vitamin D you need to supplement, which vices you can flirt with and which you must absolutely avoid, if you should do endurance or power training in the gym,…
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I interviewed fitness guru, Nootropics impresario, and large human, Neal Thakkar. We discuss the downsides to bodybuilding, fitness hacks, Modafinil vs Mindfulness, and the potent Nootropic stack he's created QUANTUMiND. Whether or not you should bring your smartphone to the gym. Why Modafinil is a problematic anti-empathy drug. We discuss the work…
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The placebo effect is one of the most reliable things in science, so much so that every good human clinical trial accounts for it. Belief has power, clearly. You've probably heard all your life that belief and consciousness have power. Power to transform your life, to determine your future, to heal your body and to change the world around you. "You…
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I had heard of this mysterious, yet potent stack for a long time, from some of the biohackers in my inner circle. After identifying the highest quality, 3rd party verified pharmaceutical-grade individual components and putting them through a thorough quality control process, I've created an efficacious smart drug that equals Modafinil. Why Caballo?…
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NMN is a refined form of Vitamin B3 that feeds your Mitochondria the crucial fuel, NAD, that it needs to empower your health. Elite anti-aging researchers at places like Harvard identify it as a promising molecular piece to the longevity puzzle and, most interestingly to me, the self-quantification community has identified it as a Nootropic; an enh…
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To anyone who stays abreast of wide social trends, it's increasingly obvious that the world is rapidly becoming worse for those of lower and average intelligence. The extinction of jobs comprised of rote, repetitive, and unsophisticated tasks is a dire inevitability thanks to the aggressive innovation that our economy fundamentally relies on. In th…
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Nootropics are more than smart drugs, increasingly the science being done by leading anti-aging researchers is showing us that they are crucial pieces to the puzzle of longevity. These Nootropics do enhance the mind, but not by stimulating you like caffeine or spiking a particular neurotransmitter. They energize you simply by empowering the body to…
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This is the definitive guide to adaptogenic herbs, formerly known as “tonics” that counter the effects of age and stress on the body. After perusing hundreds of studies on Pubmed along with digesting the questionable grammar of numerous self-reporters posting in various forums there were just a few things this book enlightened me about adaptogens. …
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Nicotinamide Mononucleotide is a game-changing anti-aging Nootropic, in that it's a powerful Mitochondrial fuel and epigenetic hack that reverses many markers of aging and anecdotally is described as a Nootropic by the majority of its users. But, it's not cheap, so this protocol will maximize the longevity bang for your biohacking buck and outline …
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📨 I frequently receive emails and Facebook messages asking me something to the effect of: "What is the best Nootropic increasing social confidence?" Near the top of my list of exotic molecules to achieve that is L-Theanine; in about 30 minutes it consistently brings me a measure of tranquility to manage social situations with grace and gravitas. 🍵 …
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I had promised something new and innovative in the Biohacking/personal growth space this year that I'd be offering - not another supplement, app, gadget, or AI thing - but a strikingly beautiful and enduring thing. It's a book, but a book unlike any you've ever read, a book specifically for YOU. And when I say for you, I mean you in a much grander …
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I was diagnosed with ADHD at age 8 and given Ritalin, it helped a lot. In an age when ADHD (back then they called it ADD) was misdiagnosed and the pharmaceutical solutions were overprescribed, I think I was a legitimate case. As a young adult, I was very ambitious and a voracious student of success, yet I had a nearly 5-year streak of non-stop care…
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This book is a real black pill (a grim truth) for those who are optimistic about medical science delivering us cures to disease. The book's title is a clever double entendre, the death of the rigor in science causes actual death. But don't despair! In this book review, I share some guidelines for biohacking in this era of bad science. 3:28 Rigor Mo…
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I heard a fascinating interview with author Patricia L. Gerbarg, in which she was exuberantly praising this Nootropic adaptogen, Rhodiola, which is (literally) mythological. After reading this book, I was very sold on trying Rhodiola itself. I've concluded after reading this book, writing a 3000-word article, and spending many hours scouring Pubmed…
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You never knew how important your elbow was to life until you messed it up, right? Elbows often don’t get the respect and care that they deserve as a joint upon which so much that we do hinges. Whether your elbow is achy, strained, or sprained from pushing it a bit too hard in the gym, a bike crash, or a foolish attempt at breakdancing the followin…
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Perhaps you probably haven't had much success with meditation yet because your mind needs to warm up, your mind needs some "foreplay" to actually meditate. You've probably heard of the myriad benefits of meditation elsewhere; antiaging, memory, neuroplasticity, stress management, and "being present" in social interactions. But what are the immediat…
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Anti-aging is about reaching escape velocity, living long enough for science to give you the option to live as long as you want (in brilliant health). The central piece to the puzzle of longevity is the telomeres; the caps on the ends of your chromosomes that, as the decades pass, shorten. As the telomeres are worn down, the gene replication and ce…
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The Transhumanist wager is a rationalization that comes out of the objectivist school of thought. I began reading this while I was finishing up Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand and the parallels are significant. After reading both I'm coming to the conclusion that philosophical ideas are better communicated as fiction novels. The book starts with this ve…
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The relentless seeker of wisdom and knowledge is sometimes rewarded with a "Satori experience" - a powerfully transformative moment of TOTAL spiritual clarity about your life and what you are in the world to do. In one of the few epiphany moments of my life, I knew how to align my strengths with my mission in life - which is to give individuals the…
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A sleepless and Psychedelics-skeptical Jonathan reflects on a +12 hour traditional Ayahuasca ritual in the Colombian Andes. Related reading 📑 Biohackers should be skeptical of Psychedelics Confused? If you invest at least $150 in your Biohacking via LimitlessMi…
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You can learn a lot about marriage from the way at least half of them end and this book, by a practicing New York divorce attorney, should be required reading for committed couples. Given the author's 20-year professional experience, it's a how-NOT-to book; in an engaging storytelling format, it illustrates how once madly-in-love couples royally sc…
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A lot of people do get distracted by the overwhelming amount of information available at our fingertips at any given moment and it prevents them from living happy, productive lives. To combat this I've developed an information consumption regimen that is highly efficient. I present the components and consumption methods of the High-Leverage Informa…
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The pharmaceutical-hospital industrial complex would prefer that you took their overpriced drugs daily, regularly spent time in their $2000/night hospital rooms, and then died, after suffering for a decade or two, of a chronic (and preventable) disease. No thanks! Read 📑 Everything mentioned here…
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Is personal growth "toxic" as some popular Youtube documentaries suggest? We address the June Biohacking and lifehacking questions in this Q&A podcast. 9:07 "The Toxic World of Self Help” 19:06 Is Western civilization doomed? 25:50 Non-Chinese supplement sources 29:05 Optimal Piracetam dosage and cycling Read 📑 Everything mentioned here https://www…
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In this livestream, I lead a group in hacking mindset on the epigenetic level using a highly proven advanced meditation technique, followed by some discussion. About the guided meditation: You’ll need to block out 50–60 minutes for the guided meditation and discussion — good things take time. The guided meditation itself will take about 50 minutes.…
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For potentiating the godfather of Nootropics, Piracetam. Warning: It may turn you into a 007 villain! Puffery aside, Piracetam is not a wonder drug, more than a few people have contacted me complaining of the inconsistency of Piracetam so I felt it was incumbent on me to organize this concise protocol. Combining the renowned smart drug with a few c…
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Food can be one of the sublimest pleasures in life but it shouldn’t come at the cost of digestive disorder. Good news, all manner of gastrointestinal dysfunction can be made right with a multi-pronged approach which brings your gut biome into a state of tranquility and optimizes the gut-brain connection. Read 📑 Everything mentioned here https://www…
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A problem you can relate to if you read a lot: You forget the vast majority of the information you spend time consuming. You spend 10-20 hours reading a good book. But of the thousands of words and hundreds of ideas that you consume in 300-400 pages, how much of it are you actually going to commit to memory, recall when you need it, and apply? Read…
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We’ve long thought of arthritis as an annoyance to the elderly, just a part of aging. But, increasingly younger people suffer from it too. So I’ll suggest to you that it’s NOT just an inevitable part of getting older. Arthritis, like so many health problems, is not a cause, but a symptom of deeper dysfunction that can be addressed by a holistic lif…
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I had used Uridine in the past and had been a bit underwhelmed by it, what I had been doing wrong was NOT stacking it with other Nootropics. Read 📑 Biohacker Review Order 💲 Uridine Capsuled Mr. Happy Stack https://www.limitlessmindset…
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With Adrian in London, I discuss the nuances of biohacking motivation, wakefulness, and working memory for high-leverage skillset acquisition. Read 📑 Everything mentioned here Confused? If you invest at least $150 in your Biohacking via, I will include a 30-min…
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It's supposed to be a study drug that improves memory. Uridine is virtually tasteless and textureless. It washes down leaving no trace, which is kind of nice actually! Read 📑 Uridine Review Order 💲 Uridine Capsuled Mr. Happy Stack https://www.limit…
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While so many in society are concerned with making everything fair and equal, elite Entrepreneurs are giving themselves a stark unfair advantage by embracing biohacking. We all have natural limits of how hard and smart we can work. The high-leverage, high-return-on-investment measure is to unleash the mind; enhancing cognition, training working mem…
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My review of VINPOTROPILE®/Vinotropil, a smart drug cocktail from Russia. I'm not a big of Vinpocetine, it's kind of a lackluster Nootropic and when I've used it in isolation I was always pretty underwhelmed but it only contains a very small amount of Vinpocetine. It mostly consists of one of my all-time favorite smart drugs, Piracetam. Each of the…
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I suggest that you stockpile what people will desperately need so that you can be a pillar of your community in its time of greatest need. You can buy loyalty by saving lives when pharmacies are looted empty and hospitals are overwhelmed. I'm suggesting that you be charitable to those who most need it. And, if in a collapse, you find yourself despe…
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Tianeptine is one of the better pharmacological happiness hacks I've tried but It's not happiness I've earned, it's just happiness I swallow 10 milligrams at a time. As I get older and more stoic I see happiness as a whole lot less worthy goal. Happiness should be a mere side effect of one's efforts. So I don't see myself making a habit out of usin…
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Biohacking can be confusing. A Biohacker is essentially a self-scientist, running N of 1 personal experiments. Science is complicated and even professionals make mistakes all the time. Biohacking can also be expensive and time-consuming. This podcast will break down common mistakes that both seasoned and rookie biohackers make costing them money, t…
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I've personally experimented with over 200 different Nootropics over the past 12 years and I can tell you, even without trying it, that there are a couple of problems with Qualia. Now, these criticisms generalize to almost all Nootropic stacks but Qualia I find particularly problematic because it's so expensive and contains so many ingredients. 1:4…
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In this conversation with Russell Symes of Infinite Age, we discuss why Entrepreneurs who don't Biohack may end up dead. We also shed light on the minefield of mediocrity that the Biohacker faces when choosing anti-aging supplements or Nootropics along with delving into some high-risk, high-reward tools, exogenous Testosterone, and Nicotine. 2:29 R…
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